Health & Medical: New Information on Type 2 Diabetes

New Information on Type 2 Diabetes

It is sometimes difficult to find information on type 2 diabetes concerning natural control of blood sugar levels.Here, we have some highlights of recent research and info on type 2 diabetes concerning promising plant extracts that may naturally lower blood sugar levels.

Health & Medical: Diabetes 2 Treatment- A Time to Act

Diabetes 2 Treatment- A Time to Act

Diabetes is growing rapidly in all countries of the world. This is a serious health problem that can have many complications; but can also be managed with good health care and some specific management strategies. Diabetes statistics today are quite shocking: one person in the world is dying of diabe

Health & Medical: FDA Approves New Diabetes Drug Symlin

FDA Approves New Diabetes Drug Symlin

The FDA has approved a drug called Symlin to help control blood sugar in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes who do not achieve good blood sugar control with insulin therapy.

Health & Medical: About Insulin

About Insulin

This is a succinct article that discusses how insulin should be used and variables that factor into taking insulin. It's simple and educational.

Health & Medical: Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan

Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan

A gestational diabetes diet plan is necessary to help protect your long term health and the health of your baby.

Health & Medical: Diabetic Testing Supplies

Diabetic Testing Supplies

If you are diabetic, you probably already know that the biggest expense that comes with diabetes is the testing supplies that you absolutely must have in order to keep your diabetes under control. Many people mistakenly think that the treatment itself is the most expensive part of diabetes.

Health & Medical: Alternative Health - 7 Tips to Help With Your Weight Loss and Type 2 Diabetes

Alternative Health - 7 Tips to Help With Your Weight Loss and Type 2 Diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes or are overweight, you have an opportunity to turn things around and improve your health. Type 2 is characterized by two factors: abnormally high blood sugar levels, and high levels of insulin. Normally, blood sugar serves as one of your body's main fuels. If you did

Health & Medical: A Guide to Symptoms of Diabetes

A Guide to Symptoms of Diabetes

The signs and symptoms of diabetes are quite similar in most type of cases, as the sugar level is high due to inadequate or no production of insulin. Once the diabetes is treated, the symptoms of diabetes are quickly relieved, and this also reduces the chances of developing serious health problems.

Health & Medical: What is Monavie?

What is Monavie?

Information about the new product monavie. This article describes what monavie is and what it does.

Health & Medical: How Is an Epidemiological Study Carried Out?

How Is an Epidemiological Study Carried Out?

Case SeriesOne kind of epidemiological study is known as a case series study. In this type of study, researchers follow the experience of a patient (or several patients with a similar diagnosis). This kind of study is usually more descriptive rather than statistically oriented and is not...

Health & Medical: Diabetes: Living With an Insulin Pump

Diabetes: Living With an Insulin Pump

More and more people with diabetes are using insulin pumps instead of daily shots to manage their disease. The pumps give them more freedom to eat,sleep,and exercise when they want.

Health & Medical: Management Of Diabetes - Top Tips In Actualizing It

Management Of Diabetes - Top Tips In Actualizing It

There are roles for the diabetics education, dietetic support, sensible exercise, with the goal of keeping both short-term and long-term blood glucose levels within acceptable bounds. In addition, given the associated higher risks of cardiovascular disease, lifestyle modifications are recommended to

Health & Medical: Type 2 Diabetes - Why You Need to Have Healthy Teeth and Gums

Type 2 Diabetes - Why You Need to Have Healthy Teeth and Gums

Peridontal disease occurs more frequently in people who have diabetes, as well as older people in general. Periodontitis is inflammation and infection of the gums and bone surrounding the teeth. It can be prevented with habitual brushing twice daily, flossing, and dental cleanings. According to the

Health & Medical: Experts Link Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals to Diabetes, Obesity

Experts Link Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals to Diabetes, Obesity

People who are trying to lose weight or manage diabetes should try to change their lifestyle not only to exercise or cut calories, but also to avoid hormone-disrupting chemicals that may be contributing to their condition, experts say.

Health & Medical: Medical Costs Caused by Type 2 Diabetes in the U.S.

Medical Costs Caused by Type 2 Diabetes in the U.S.

Diabetes is a disease in which glucose is not properly absorbed by the body cells, where it's supposed to be used as fuel. Instead, it builds up in the bloodstream and over time can have disastrous health effects, including heart disease, blindness, kidney problems and loss of limbs. It's a growing

Health & Medical: Alkaline pH Skin Problems

Alkaline pH Skin Problems

Skin is specially adapted to protect against harmful bacteria and irritants. One of the most important factors in healthy skin is making sure this protective layer stays intact.