Health & Medical: What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

If you are a diabetic, you will suffer from many symptoms. One symptom that could affect you is Diabetic Retinopathy. This condition of the eyes has been contributed directly to diabetes. As a diabetic, you have a greater chance of developing eye conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts. Diabetic R

Health & Medical: Early Symptoms of Diabetes to Look Out For

Early Symptoms of Diabetes to Look Out For

Diabetes mellitus is a common disease which affects millions of people worldwide. It is potentially a source of profound death and disability if not adequately controlled by treatment. Helping to minimize your risk for these long-term effects of diabetes lies in catching the disease early, when trea

Health & Medical: Free Diabetic Supplies For You - Get It!

Free Diabetic Supplies For You - Get It!

There are various diabetic patients in United States. More new cases are detected each day that increases the count of diabetic patients in the country. It is important to keep the medication well-stocked and always fresh. It is also important to take proper care of the diabetic supplies to keep the

Health & Medical: Pre-Diabetes, What Is It And Can You Defeat It?

Pre-Diabetes, What Is It And Can You Defeat It?

Prediabetes is a bright red flashing warning sign to you. It is telling you that you don't have diabetes yet, but if you continue with the health habits your currently have, your odds of getting diabetes are very high.

Health & Medical: Type 2 Diabetes - 4 Tips For Meeting Your Hydration Needs

Type 2 Diabetes - 4 Tips For Meeting Your Hydration Needs

As you go about taking steps to improve your Type 2 diabetic eating plan so you can lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight, one thing you must not be overlooking in the process is taking steps to stay well hydrated. Hydration is something that far too often goes overlooked in many people

Health & Medical: Diabetes: Tests to Watch for Complications-Topic Overview

Diabetes: Tests to Watch for Complications-Topic Overview

The table below summarizes the tests that can be done to identify complications from type 2 diabetes, including those tests done during a physical exam. The physical exam evaluates your overall health. The doctor pays special attention to your eyes, blood vessels, heart, lungs, nerves, abdomen, and

Health & Medical: What Should People With Type 2 Diabetes Be Eating?

What Should People With Type 2 Diabetes Be Eating?

Are you tired of hearing about all those foods you can't eat now you have type 2 diabetes?Well let's look at what you can eat and enjoy.Ultimately, it is you who decides what to eat and you will learn to associate certain foods, in certain amounts, with your blood sugar levels.

Health & Medical: Diabetics Solve Eating Addictions With Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine

Diabetics Solve Eating Addictions With Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine

Try using Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine to treat and manage diabetes. Diabetes is a very complicated disease with neurotransmitter, hormone, and glucose imbalances. If the patient is significantly overweight or obese, one must ask if there was a glucose problem when the patient was normal weight.

Health & Medical: Mandarin Orange Cake For Diabetics

Mandarin Orange Cake For Diabetics

One of the worst features of a diabetic cake is that it is so dry, and this is because of the product baking without sugar as without this product what ever is it you are baking it will not brown so well and it will also cause the dryness experienced. But since these modern times there have been way

Health & Medical: Diabetes and Your Body

Diabetes and Your Body

Diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot produce insulin properly.Insulin is a hormone needed to convert sugars, starches and other food into energy that wee need for day to day activities.

Health & Medical: Any Foods That Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Any Foods That Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Controlling your diabetes can be extremely frustrating at times. Knowing how to keep your blood sugar levels balanced can be comforting and beneficial to your health. Your doctor or dietician can develop a rigid meal plan, but these natural substances offer more freedom to your menu and enjoyment to

Health & Medical: Alternative Health - 4 Tips to Stop Type 2 Diabetes the Natural Way

Alternative Health - 4 Tips to Stop Type 2 Diabetes the Natural Way

Type 2 diabetes is an ever-increasing disease in our modern world, but you don't catch it... it is not something going around like measles. Type 2 is spreading steadily world-wide as obesity and lack of exercise take their toll on the hormonal balance of hundreds of thousands of people.

Health & Medical: Belly Fat Is Key to U.S. Diabetes Risk

Belly Fat Is Key to U.S. Diabetes Risk

Middle-aged Americans tend to have more belly fat than their English counterparts, and the difference may explain the higher diabetes rate in the U.S. compared to England.