Health & Medical Diabetes

Alternative Health - 4 Tips to Stop Type 2 Diabetes the Natural Way

Type 2 diabetes is an ever-increasing disease in our modern world, but you don't catch it...
it is not something going around like measles.
Type 2 is spreading steadily world-wide as obesity and lack of exercise take their toll on the hormonal balance of hundreds of thousands of people.
Of course the roots of type 2 are in your DNA which is why the chances of avoiding it are compromised by poor lifestyle choices.
Type 1 diabetes requires constant insulin shots to make up for the body's failure to produce enough of the vital insulin hormone.
Type 2 diabetes...
the far more common type which may eventually afflict around one third of American adults...
may prompt treatment with an oral anti-diabetic drug or injectable insulin treatment, or even gastric bypass surgery.
However, it is also possible to stop type 2 diabetes using natural methods since it occurs when the insulin in your body is not doing its job adequately because of obesity due to dietary factors, stress, or a combination of both of these.
Research shows that diet changes influence insulin sensitivity directly, so now it is possible to take advantage of this new understanding and see that it is possible to reverse type 2 diabetes...
to lower blood sugar levels, medications and the risk of diabetic complications.
A few tips to reverse type 2 diabetes include: 1.
Lose Weight:
Obesity is a primary cause of type 2 diabetes...
losing weight can help to prevent the continued development of diabetic symptoms and problems.
Even a small weight loss can be enough to lower blood sugar levels and help to bring about a halt to any diabetic complications.
Losing excess weight feels good but weight loss will improve your insulin sensitivity plus you will feel better from the effects of the diet change.
Increase Physical Activity:
You can probably guess one way that inactivity can be a risk factor for type 2 diabetes is that lack of physical activity can lead to weight gain.
So be physically active every day...
aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week.
Any less than that puts you at a greater risk for other health problems.
What is "moderate" activity...
anything that gets your heart beating stronger than when you are sitting still.
Like walking your dog, climbing stairs, even gardening...
these can all count towards your 30 minute total.
Reduce your Stress Level:
Relax and take it easy.
There is a connection between stress and diabetes...
some of it is direct, some of it is not.
If you are always rushing around trying to meet all your commitments, you will end up with little energy to deal with your health.
Also feeling stress for long periods of time leads to high blood sugar levels.
Counteracting the stresses and strains of daily living can enable your body to handle blood sugar more effectively and even help you to store less abdominal fat.
As well, lowering your body's level of stress hormones can reduce your hunger.
Exercise aids in reducing stress, as do meditation and hobbies.
Make Wise Food Choices:
Choosing healthy foods will have positive effects on your health generally.
The food you chose to eat should help you to:
  • Lose weight
  • Place your blood sugar levels in the normal range
  • Provide adequate levels of nutrients for your health and well being
Foods should maintain a balance between foods helping your body and those that hinder your body by choosing:
  • The amount of carbs you eat, and the type
  • The types of food you combine at the same time, eg.
    fiber, fat, protein with carbs
  • What your blood sugar levels are before eating and two hours after eating
To reduce both your weight and blood sugar levels, it is possible to manipulate these factors by the food choices you make.
Everyone's body is different so it will take a little researching of your own to find the best foods and exercise to bring about lower blood sugar levels.
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