Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Branding Your Wedding

Branding Your Wedding

Is there Something Missing in your Grand Wedding?! Hello Readers! Today's topic is on a totally different theme from my previous blogs. Let's see, what I have in store for you today? Well the topic ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Basic Steps of a Reflective Essay

Basic Steps of a Reflective Essay

The intention of a reflective essay is to reflect on an experience, project or event. The essay is written following an action such as a vacation, academic achievement or life changing experience to name a few. The author states in detail his stance and/or results from the beginning of his experienc

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Grants for 501(C)(3) Organizations in North Carolina

Grants for 501(C)(3) Organizations in North Carolina

NC charities provide programs in rural and urban communities.North Carolina state contour against blurred USA flag image by Stasys Eidiejus from Fotolia.comAccording to NC Gives, 3,005 foundations were located in North Carolina in 2005 with combined assets of more than $13 million. The...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Does an Online Freelance Writer Actually Do?

What Does an Online Freelance Writer Actually Do?

While you may be excited about starting a website or blog for your business or cause more than likely when it comes to actually putting content on it you may be floundering. If someone has suggested you hire a freelance writer you probably want to know what does an online freelance writer actually d

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Provocative Right Brain Branding Maneuver For The Everyday Scribe

Provocative Right Brain Branding Maneuver For The Everyday Scribe

Branding is getting to know who you are and who you aren't. It's in this discovery process that you define where your passion lies, who you want to play on your team, and who your specialty can help. Provocative branding is an attitude. It's about possessing such a deep belief, confid

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Why Is It Important to Hire Professional Writers for Web Copywriting?

Why Is It Important to Hire Professional Writers for Web Copywriting?

Website content which is descriptive, informative and entertaining is the first step towards creating a connection with your customers globally. Although a prime need in today's highly competitive times, still many companies are ignorant about the need of professional web copywriting. Here is a

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Truth About Article Marketing - It is Not Dead!

The Truth About Article Marketing - It is Not Dead!

If you've heard rumors that article marketing is dead, those rumors couldn't be further from the truth.In fact, article marketing is alive, kicking, and thriving.There are many advantages to using article marketing, and that's why some of the most recognized and successful businesspeo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Your Guide To Shopping To Get A Pink Duvet Or Duvet Cover

Your Guide To Shopping To Get A Pink Duvet Or Duvet Cover

You'll be able to add a pink duvet cover in your existing bedding set, or with your new set to jazz up your bedroom and allow it to be stand out. Your twin, full, queen, king and also California king sized bed can all be coated with these quilts or quilt covers. You've got a considerably w

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What to Do When Your Book Is Rejected

What to Do When Your Book Is Rejected

Before Kathryn Stockett's novel, The Help, became a national bestseller and the basis of an award-winning movie, the author received nearly sixty rejections. John Grisham's first novel, A Time to Kill, was rejected by at least thirty houses before it was published. Name any favorite author

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: When Youre Ready For A Real Page Turner Pick Up A Good Thriller

When Youre Ready For A Real Page Turner Pick Up A Good Thriller

Deciphering the codes that help to unravel a mystery, revealing the face of the hidden murderer or solving the mystery of an unprecedented theft, the thriller novels are filled with melodramatic twists and turns that engulf the reader from start to finish.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Using Arguing in Your Writing

Using Arguing in Your Writing

Why we shouldn't forget this critical communication skill when portraying people in your writing.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: So You Want to Write a Book - Part III

So You Want to Write a Book - Part III

Before we go on with writing habits and get into editing lets take a step back and discuss something I probably should have covered earlier.We had pretty much decided that just starting out you should write about what you know.What we did not fully cover was whether you were writing just for the sak

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Web Design Course Description

Web Design Course Description

Learning web design can launch a career or enhance existing ones. Many companies seek web designers to create websites. Web developers, who construct and manage databases, may find that adding design skills to their programming abilities increases opportunities in a competitive job market. Knowing w