- Make your business essay reflective of your knowledge.computer frame image by David G from Fotolia.com
Essays are commonly used as a means to measure a business school student's understanding of the content and his comprehension of the material taught. When composing a business-school essay, you must ensure that you carefully consider both the topic and mechanics of your composition in order for your understanding of the material to be evident. Without careful consideration throughout the essay-writing process, you may not adequately convey your well-developed business related knowledge. - Many business topics, particularly those related to business finance, are highly complex. If you intend to tackle an overly broad topic, your essay will likely lack the complexity necessary to make it effective. Instead of attempting to compose an essay on an impossible-to-cover topic, narrow your topic to create one that is more manageable.
- If your essay is intended to answer a specific question, make sure that you answer that question in its entirety. Read the question carefully and ask your professor to clarify the questions if necessary. If you fail to address the question, your essay will likely receive a low score, regardless of how well written it is.
- When trying to determine how much detail you need to include in your essay, consider the audience for which the essay is intended. If the assignment was to compose an essay to explain a business topic to the general public, you will likely need to include more detail, explaining simple topics that are not already well known to the public. If the assignment, on the other hand, is intended only for your professor or others in the business school arena, you can assume your audience has preexisting knowledge.
- Avoid composing essays that are argumentative when you are asked only to inform. While you may hold an opinion about an essay topic, you do not want to argue that opinion if argument is required. By considering the essay purpose prior to composing it, you ensure that you follow the assignment faithfully and that your final project is in the requested format.
- Don't use two words when one word would suffice. Business topics often require specific explanation, but your audience will be turned off if you ramble and include more information than is absolutely necessary to address the topic at hand.
- Your business school essays should look professional. If your essay is laden with typos and grammatical errors, it will make you seem careless and lazy. Prior to turning in any business school essay, carefully edit the final prose to ensure that it is error free.
Avoid Overly Broad Topics
Understand and Answer the Question
Consider your Audience
Remember the Purpose
Be Concise
Check for Typos