Online writing has a lot of benefits.
Firstly if you work for yourself you have total control over what jobs you take on, how much you write and how many people you write for.
But how many clients do you actually have? There is no magic number of course, and what one writer thinks of as an adequate number of clients someone else might find too few.
Similarly a third writer might wonder why they have so many.
But the point is that you need to have the right number for you, and you shouldn't assume that even long term clients will be around forever.
For example, you might have a regular client that gives you work every week for months on end.
But you shouldn't become complacent and assume they will always continue to do so.
They may email you one day and say they want to take a break for a while before sending you more work.
This is the most important part of keeping an eye on the number of clients you have.
You need to ask yourself whether you could still manage if one or two of your clients suddenly stopped sending you work.
Obviously it would make things a bit tighter money wise, but would it cause a real problem in that area? If the answer is yes, you need to find yourself some more writing clients - ideally ones that pay more than you are being paid now.
It might seem tough to be so mercenary but you need to think about the number of hours you work and how much you earn for your time.
Always be on the lookout for new writing jobs that offer more money.
Look to add new clients into the mix every now and then, and don't leave it until you lose one or two clients to do it.
This strategy will give you a much better chance of earning more money - and earning it more regularly as an online writer as well.
Firstly if you work for yourself you have total control over what jobs you take on, how much you write and how many people you write for.
But how many clients do you actually have? There is no magic number of course, and what one writer thinks of as an adequate number of clients someone else might find too few.
Similarly a third writer might wonder why they have so many.
But the point is that you need to have the right number for you, and you shouldn't assume that even long term clients will be around forever.
For example, you might have a regular client that gives you work every week for months on end.
But you shouldn't become complacent and assume they will always continue to do so.
They may email you one day and say they want to take a break for a while before sending you more work.
This is the most important part of keeping an eye on the number of clients you have.
You need to ask yourself whether you could still manage if one or two of your clients suddenly stopped sending you work.
Obviously it would make things a bit tighter money wise, but would it cause a real problem in that area? If the answer is yes, you need to find yourself some more writing clients - ideally ones that pay more than you are being paid now.
It might seem tough to be so mercenary but you need to think about the number of hours you work and how much you earn for your time.
Always be on the lookout for new writing jobs that offer more money.
Look to add new clients into the mix every now and then, and don't leave it until you lose one or two clients to do it.
This strategy will give you a much better chance of earning more money - and earning it more regularly as an online writer as well.