Business & Finance: Social Networking Enables Effective Communication

Social Networking Enables Effective Communication

Social Networks are the chosen platforms where people connect with similar and like minded people. The new and exciting features of social networks ensure that people are hooked on to them. If you are

Business & Finance: Marketing Your Blog - Creating a USP For Your Blog

Marketing Your Blog - Creating a USP For Your Blog

Developing a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) for your blog is as important as developing one for your services. Sometimes this is the same. For instance, if your blog is your home on the web then the USP is the same for your services. However, if your blog is based on a hobby or an extension of you

Business & Finance: Make Money Blogging

Make Money Blogging

Blogging is probably the "way of life" online. More and more people have started or continue to maintain their own blogs that are focused on various things like their daily whereabouts, food and travel experiences, gadget reviews, fashion, fitness and wellness and several others.

Business & Finance: Profanity - The Power of a 4 Letter Word

Profanity - The Power of a 4 Letter Word

When starting and while running your business, at some point you almost [for some always] use "bad" language. The first time you let loose with a whole string of unacceptable words, can be quite liberating or a total shock! Believe it or not, today, more than ever, your business success de

Business & Finance: Work at Home Moms (WAHM's) and Podcasting

Work at Home Moms (WAHM's) and Podcasting

How can a work-at-home Mom present their business in a professional manner to potential clients or customers?A great way to accomplish this goal is through podcasting.

Business & Finance: How to Have a Successful Blog for Reviewing Other Blogs?

How to Have a Successful Blog for Reviewing Other Blogs?

Now after you got your blog setup, the fact is that by default Word Press skin or theme may not be too good looking to you. Let's change that by installing a new theme. The sites below offer some free

Business & Finance: 5 Ways to Get Blog Post Ideas

5 Ways to Get Blog Post Ideas

What is stopping you from blogging? Are you worried about not having enough information to write about? The one thing I can tell you is that you have within your immediate grasp enough information in your brain to write your first several blog posts.

Business & Finance: Why Are Companies Adding Blogs to Their Sites?

Why Are Companies Adding Blogs to Their Sites?

Companies all across the globe are beginning to add blogs to their websites. Discover why, with quotes from Matthew Glover, managing director of a conservatory company.

Business & Finance: Nobody Likes A Boring Blog - How To Make Your Blog Really Shine

Nobody Likes A Boring Blog - How To Make Your Blog Really Shine

What's the difference between a great blog and one that people click away from? The secret is that a good blog offers its readers value. It's dynamic and interactive, so that it gives its readers more than just some old articles to read. Here are some ideas on how to make your blog a great

Business & Finance: Make Your Blog a Money Machine

Make Your Blog a Money Machine

It is important to add an auto responder to your blog. An opt in box gets you a name & email address that you can send future opportunities to.

Business & Finance: How to Replace a WordPress Feed With FeedBurner

How to Replace a WordPress Feed With FeedBurner

FeedBurner is an advanced Real Simple Syndication, or RSS, management application that features real-time traffic reports and a variety of feed customization tools. You can easily integrate FeedBurner into your WordPress blog using the FD FeedBurner plugin. This plugin replaces the default WordPress

Business & Finance: Using Blogs To Promote Your Home Business

Using Blogs To Promote Your Home Business

Beginning a work at home business can have its ups and downs. Whatever sort of business you enter you will likely need tools to reach your customers. One of the finest tools you may use to get your point across online is thru blogging.

Business & Finance: How to Make Your Post Titles Display Before the Blog Title on Blogger

How to Make Your Post Titles Display Before the Blog Title on Blogger

The default title formatting for your Blogger blog is to display your blog title and then the post title. This title formatting may not be the best for search engine optimization, but you can change the coding by going into the Blogger template and editing one line. The default Blogger title display

Business & Finance: Blogging and Profits Earned by Traffic and Good Ads

Blogging and Profits Earned by Traffic and Good Ads

Profits that Perfect blogging can earn you simply depend upon the monetizing skills and the way you monetize your blogs. One of the most important factor which decides your profits is the traffic to your blog. Then there are some other factors like monetizing ways and ads you put on your blog, that

Business & Finance: Why Have a Business Blog?

Why Have a Business Blog?

Web 2.0 and the user-generated content it entails are here to stay, and the blogosphere has become a major tool in business communication. Blogging needs to be considered in a business's marketing strategy, or risk being left behind. Learn a few reasons why blogging should be part of your marke

Business & Finance: Writing Blog Posts That Make Money - How to Profit From Your Blog Writing

Writing Blog Posts That Make Money - How to Profit From Your Blog Writing

If you are trying to make money from your blog, you might be wondering how you can actually turn a blog post into a profitable piece of writing. There are several ways to monetize your blog but there's nothing more important than the blog content itself. Here are some tips on how you can create

Business & Finance: Tech Blogging Made Simple With These Great Ideas

Tech Blogging Made Simple With These Great Ideas

People like to blog because it is a way for them to express their opinions and thoughts. Everyone wants to share their views or knowledge, but it can be hard to do this in a way that is both interesti

Business & Finance: Giveaways - Perfect Marketing Ideas For Your Firm

Giveaways - Perfect Marketing Ideas For Your Firm

Promotional strategies are really essential for every business owner. They simply allow you to take your business closer to your clients all over the world. I must tell you that promotional giveaways