Business & Finance: WordPress: Subdomains Vs. Pages

WordPress: Subdomains Vs. Pages

WordPress-powered blogs and websites can reside on your domain or even if a specific directory or subdomain. You can link to any non-WordPress page or subdomain by adding the code to your theme but you cannot edit these pages from within WordPress. Pages on a WordPress blog or website do not general

Business & Finance: How to Add Amazon Context Links to Wordpress

How to Add Amazon Context Links to Wordpress

Bloggers who use WordPress software on their own server can easily monetize their blogs by adding Google AdSense or working with a partner like Amazon. Amazon offers a variety of widgets that bloggers can easily add into their blog. One widget that Amazon affiliates can use is the Context Links widg

Business & Finance: How Do I Set Up a WordPress Blog?

How Do I Set Up a WordPress Blog?

I see that many people encounter problems in setting up a WordPress blog in their own domain (also known as a self-hosted WordPress blog). With that, what I'll be sharing with you in this article is a step-by-step guide that you can follow through to set up your very own WordPress blog.

Business & Finance: Internet Marketing: Is Your Blog Bringing In Business?

Internet Marketing: Is Your Blog Bringing In Business?

The truth is that if you have no interest in the topic you are writing about you wouldn't be able to deliver the insight and inspiration across for long. Some business blog are written to sui

Business & Finance: Blogs for Kids

Blogs for Kids

Flush out the writer in children. Blogging could draw out a young writer and open doors to their future. Consider encouraging your child to start blogging!Children love having an audience. The inst...

Business & Finance: Flipping Websites - Be Specific and Concentrate on Flipping Blogs!

Flipping Websites - Be Specific and Concentrate on Flipping Blogs!

Website flipping has always been a profitable market for Internet Marketing circles but one that can offer difficulties to enter. Perhaps, one of the hardest things to do is actually get a site together and then flip it from scratch especially if you do not have web design skills.

Business & Finance: 5 Reasons Internet Marketing Blogs Are So Effective

5 Reasons Internet Marketing Blogs Are So Effective

Internet marketing blogs are widely used as the primary business platform by many and for very good reasons! Blogging platforms offer not only versatility but also ease of use which makes them both popular and highly effective! Read more to see 5 reasons blogs are quite possibly the most perfect way

Business & Finance: Successful Freelancer's Blog

Successful Freelancer's Blog

Many successful freelance designers I know that get work from online inquiries are also very much into blogging. If you want to build your business faster then I strongly recommend that you get into blogging too.

Business & Finance: Five Goals For Creating a Successful Blog

Five Goals For Creating a Successful Blog

There are a lot of things to avoid when blogging, at least for bloggers who want to be successful. This article does not focus on those. Instead, here are five things a blogger should aim for, in order to be more widely read.

Business & Finance: Using Relevant Online Strategies to Build Your Business!

Using Relevant Online Strategies to Build Your Business!

Creating great blog articles are important to growing your online presence. Read our 4 step process to creating great blog articles every time. One; establish a catch phrase. Two; give insight. Three; develop your catch phrase. Four; create a cliffhanger that will leave your audience wanting more!

Business & Finance: How to Find Halloween Wordpress Themes

How to Find Halloween Wordpress Themes

WordPress is a blogging platform. Users can either use a WordPress-hosted system or install the program to their own web server. The look and feel of WordPress blogs can be customized through the use of themes. It is not uncommon to see traditional themes set aside during October in favor of Hallo

Business & Finance: How to Write a Killer First Blog Post

How to Write a Killer First Blog Post

That's it. You've taken the plunge. You're about to write your first blog article after all the preparations. However, before you put fingertip to keyboard, you will of course have asked yourself some pretty important questions.

Business & Finance: Get Free Traffic Through Free Advertisement Blog

Get Free Traffic Through Free Advertisement Blog

How to bring Free Traffic to your site with the help of only Free Advertisement in a Blog. It takes away the advertisement costs by placing free advertisement and immediate upsurge in traffic to your website.

Business & Finance: Successful Steps on How to Start Blogging

Successful Steps on How to Start Blogging

Blogging is for anybody that likes to write and communicate with others. It is one of the best ways to promote your business online and to give your SEO strategy a boost. Aside from there is incredible money making opportunities in blog writing it is also fun and exciting. So many people from all ar

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