Business & Finance Blogging

Make Your Blog a Money Machine

3 Tips on Making Your Blog a Money Machine: 1) It is important to add an auto responder to your blog.
- An opt in box gets you a name & email address that you can send future opportunities to.
- You must offer an incentive to your readers to explain WHY they should give you their name and email.
- The best incentives are to give away a free report, or to Join a news letter.
2) DO NOT use any common blog theme.
- Using a common blog theme makes your blog just one of the masses out there.
It does not set you apart from the rest, so people will notice you and join your blog group.
- Make a unique banner for your blog.
One that readers will notice and remember.
- Make your blog different from the others.
If your blog looks the same, and has the same content and style of presentation as all the other blogs out there.
Then you are again just one of the masses.
Try different things Pictures, banners, whatever you can think of to separate yourself from the others.
3) STOP using blogger.
com or any other free blog platform.
- If you are trying to make money from blogging, then these free blog platforms are not the best to use.
- The reason I say that is because when you are trying to run a profitable business from free service, it tends to undermine how legit your business really is.
Many people (myself included) tend to look at a business that tries to operate for free, as a scam.
I tend to look at a business that use free platforms as something that are not a good opportunity, if the marketer has to use a free platform to get his/her message out it tends to make one wonder if the business is really as good as the promoter claims.
- Another reason you should not use a free platform is, the fact that your blog can be shut down by the platform provider at any time, for what ever reason.
It would really suck, if just about the time you had things really starting to roll, that the platform provider decided to shut you down, because they felt that what you are doing is violating the terms of use, or for any other reason they feel like.
So there you have it.
I hope that all of the tips and information I have given you helps you to become a successful blogger.
If at any time you have a question, or would like me to research a marketing system, and give you a review, please leave a comment, and I will do the best I can to help you out.
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