Business & Finance Blogging

How to Have a Successful Blog for Reviewing Other Blogs?

Now after you got your blog setup, the fact is that by default Word Press skin or theme may not be too good looking to you. Let's change that by installing a new theme. The sites below offer some free themes that you can use and customize.

Choose through above four Blogs and pick a theme that you like most. For more help visit to: can download the theme and upload it to your we-content themes directory, then activate it in the admin area of Word press under presentations.

Blogging Pinging
Here's the major reasons I believe that Word Press is a best option for blogging. Word Press has a internal "Ping" facility that will notify all the major blogging and RSS feed directories that you've made a new post on your blog.
This turns the "Writing" section of Word Press to become automated. If you scroll to the bottom of the "Writing" section you will see a section called.
Whenever you publish a post on your blog, this option sending out a notification to all blog directories that you have made a new post and they usually automatically index it.
Any time you publish a post this ping is automatically done ensuring that your feed is sent.

Do Blogging at Regular
Now that we got the theme setup, the URLs for all the posts being search engine friendly, the pings being automated, the further step is starting to blog. Here comes the tough part, what am I blogging about?

Your blog should be about something that you actually have knowledge on and influence, and can write about it in fun and fluently. For example if your site is about recipes, you can have your blog posts related to anything about recipes, perhaps experiences you have had while preparing dishes, etc.
When do blogging it'd better you must be very personable, friendly and seem easy to talk to. The reason for this is that with each post you make you are trying to elicit a response from users.
Using Word Press you get the option to enable any comments. By having comments on your blog enabled, it increases your popularity rating. Google will visit and update your blog more often as it is constantly changing by having new content. I recommend you to that in each blog post you make, that you always ask questions, request feedback from anyone to make sure that the people viewing your blog find a reason to actually post a comment.

Successful Blogging Blogs
The best way for more help visit to:"how to" to have a successful blog is for reviewing other Blogs that are proven have success stories. To do this I suggest you to visit a site called Loglines.
Do a search to find Blogs that are similar to your blog and review each to see what they are doing. It's easy to tell if a blog is doing well by how often they are updating and how countless comments each blog post receives.
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