Health & Medical: How to Cure Social Anxiety - 3 Tips and Tricks You Need to Know

How to Cure Social Anxiety - 3 Tips and Tricks You Need to Know

Curing social anxiety is a hard task. If you already feel like giving up, you're not alone! That's why I want to teach you exactly how to cure social anxiety. It's a difficult problem to overcome, but I know you can do it if you use the following 3 tips and tricks effectively.

Health & Medical: Reducing Anxiety Effortlessly in Anybody in 4 Easy Steps

Reducing Anxiety Effortlessly in Anybody in 4 Easy Steps

In this new generation, anxiety is something everybody can suffer from. It knows no boundaries as to age, race, or gender. It can come and go at anytime. So even if you are not suffering personally, chances are you will at some point or you know someone that is suffering from anxiety.

Health & Medical: The Negative Effects of Social Anxiety

The Negative Effects of Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is best defined as an extreme fear or avoidance of social interaction. It is a common mental illness that affects 1 in every 5 adults. For some people, their social anxiety (SA) can be so bad that it: Stops them from making new friends.

Health & Medical: Panic Attacks Help With Agoraphobia

Panic Attacks Help With Agoraphobia

Many people are aware of the term claustrophobia or the fear of enclosed spaces, it's a common term and probably if we are honest with ourselves we have all felt a little claustrophobic at some point in our lives, so it is not difficult to relate to. However, what many people don't realize

Health & Medical: Get Rid of Anxiety - Now!

Get Rid of Anxiety - Now!

How do you react to this title? First thought: just impossible! And why should it be impossible? As far as I know, nothing is impossible. It is our approach to everything which makes us think that things are impossible.

Health & Medical: Natural Relief For Anxiety - The Most Commonly Asked FAQ's!

Natural Relief For Anxiety - The Most Commonly Asked FAQ's!

Anxiety sufferers are always asking what is the best way to get natural relief for anxiety. The answer is..Anxiety sufferers are always asking what is the best way to get natural relief for anxiety. The answer is...everyone will respond to different methods in different ways. I tried several methods

Health & Medical: Dealing With Anxiety Sleep Disorder

Dealing With Anxiety Sleep Disorder

Anxiety Sleep Disorder is the nocturnal version of anxiety stress disorders or panic attacks. The problem arises if this is where the symptoms begin and treatment is not immediately sought. This article explains why that is so and offers more information on the syndrome as a whole.

Health & Medical: Natural Relief For Anxiety

Natural Relief For Anxiety

It is quite normal for you to experience some form of anxiety in your day to day life. But if there are times when you feel like your anxiety is taking over and you no longer feel in control you may have a problem.

Health & Medical: A Future Treatment Model for Panic Disorder

A Future Treatment Model for Panic Disorder

Early diagnosis of panic disorder in emergency medicine and primary care can yield a ripe opportunity for brief effective educational intervention and prevention of the progression of this anxiety condition. Five levels of intervention are outlined. The levels move from early diagnosis and education

Health & Medical: The Four-fold Process to Cure Anxiety

The Four-fold Process to Cure Anxiety

Reading "The Principal Doctrines of Epicurus" (Syriai Doxai in Greek) I found his "four-fold cure for anxiety". Its simplicity and potential are impressive, something that can't be said about most of what the new age self-help gurus preach in this regard. And talking about s

Health & Medical: Praying - Can It Reduce Anxiety?

Praying - Can It Reduce Anxiety?

Constant worry and anxiety, which occurs for no apparent reason, interferes with day-to-day life. Sufferers are desperate to experience peace of mind and free themselves from the power of their condition. Meditation can greatly help. By concentrating on one thing and neglecting all the unruly though

Health & Medical: Panic Attacks Versus Phobia

Panic Attacks Versus Phobia

Panic attack is something that can happen to a healthy person, once or frequently throughout his life. It can be as short as 15 seconds due to a certain thought or situation that you are experiencing. It may also last for an hour with a continuous onset of fear or a sporadic attack within an hour or

Health & Medical: Is There Help For Sufferers to Cure Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

Is There Help For Sufferers to Cure Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

Well, first of all, anxiety is something that happens to most of us at one point or another in our daily lives. But for most folks, the feelings of anxiety can be worked through and relieved in some manner. But for others, it isn't as easy to do. And unfortunately, all that anxiety can build up

Health & Medical: Depersonalization Anxiety - What is That?

Depersonalization Anxiety - What is That?

Depersonalization Anxiety is a form anxiety that doesn't get much attention in the media. It is a life crippling disorder and involves a lot of questions with few answers.

Health & Medical: Effective Tips to Treat a Driving Phobia

Effective Tips to Treat a Driving Phobia

A driving phobia happens to people who have experienced traumatic incidents like road mishaps or collisions. Due to the fact that human beings are bent on linking common feelings to a certain situation, those traumatic experiences can little by little turn into a driving phobia.