Health & Medical Anxiety

Anxiety Attacks and Coffee - Reduce Your Symptoms by Cutting the Caffeine

Some people do not realize that there is a distinct relationship between anxiety attacks and coffee.
Anyone who has consumed caffeine and then immediately felt anxious knows that this is true.
However, if you can find the sources of caffeine in your diet and eliminate them, you should reduce your anxious feelings and begin to get some relief.
You may know the obvious places to find caffeine, such as coffee and soft drinks, but you may not realize there are other common sources of it too.
Energy drinks, tea, and chocolate are just some of the other places you may be consuming it without even knowing it.
If it just feels impossible to completely remove these drinks from your daily routine, you should at least attempt to switch to a decaffeinated version of them.
Caffeine has very negative effects on your body which makes it very important to eliminate it from your daily diet.
It is a central nervous system stimulant which only intensifies the symptoms of a panic attack.
Some symptoms brought on by caffeine that are identical to anxiety symptoms are:
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Increased heart rate
  • Feeling clammy or sweaty
  • Feeling short of breath
  • Feeling like your stomach is in knots
  • Agitation and nervousness
Although there are possible side effects when caffeine consumption is stopped, don't let them keep you from detoxifying your body.
You may get a headache, stomach ache or feeling tired, but remember that those symptoms are just temporary.
So, if you suffer from anxiety attacks and coffee is part of your daily routine, you may want to find an alternative.
You can either switch to a decaffeinated version or perhaps use this as an opportunity to increase your water intake.
Without the added stimulation, you should find that your anxious feelings start to diminish.
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