Health & Medical Anxiety

Panic Attacks Help With Agoraphobia

Many people are aware of the term claustrophobia or the fear of enclosed spaces, it's a common term and probably if we are honest with ourselves we have all felt a little claustrophobic at some point in our lives, so it is not difficult to relate to.
However, what many people don't realize is that its opposite - Agoraphobia, is just as common and definitely more difficult to deal with.
Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces or of being in public places that are crowded such as shopping malls.
The condition is less known and certainly least understood by the general public.
Now while it is true that Agoraphobia is indeed a phobia in and of itself, it is thought that most panic attacks involve a degree of this phobia within their causes.
It is not just the fear of the size of the space involved that causes the problem, but also the fear of being away from the safe and secure confines of your home.
This means that when a person suffering from this particular phobia is out and about, there is a constant fear lingering in the background that threatens to turn into a full blown panic attack at any moment.
For some this fear is so real that in extreme cases it can confine them to their homes for long periods at a time, only venturing out when absolutely necessary.
If you suffer from panic attacks on a regular basis it is worth sitting down and making a note of where and when the last 10 attacks occurred, or alternatively if you can't recall make a note in your journal when the next ones come around.
If there is a pattern that involves you being in open spaces it does not necessarily mean you are suffering from agoraphobia, but it may well pay you to learn more about this particular condition which may be compounding your attacks.
Agoraphobia can be especially difficult if you are involved in some kind of a relationship, for although you will feel safe cocooned in your home, your partner almost certainly will not.
It's because this condition is so difficult to understand that unless your partner suffers from it also, they will find it very difficult to empathize with you and the phrase "pull yourself together" starts to crop up and even worse when they try to pull you out of the house "for your own good".
Remember that it is hard for them to understand because to them, logically thinking, there is no more harm that could come to you from shopping as would come from sitting in your kitchen.
You will know yourself that logic doesn't apply to phobias and fears as well as panic attacks in general, however it will be useful for you to try and apply a little logic to any fearful or stressful situation you find yourself in as often it can help.
As you start to address the problem from a logical standpoint and move your thinking along you will see results quicker than you think.
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