One of the opportunities that blog marketing offers is the ability to vary the topic of the blog post.
The overall thrust of your blog may be fairly straight forward but the topic post needn't be.
Ultimately, by manipulating the post topic traffic generation can be increased.
If, for instance, your blog is related to food, you can write an individual post on ice cream Sundays to generate more traffic.
Choosing the individual post topic, however, needs to be part of a calculated plan if the resulting traffic increase is to be capitalized upon.
Relevance counts Where a website needs to be kept up to date and changed around every few weeks, a blog needs to be kept up to date on a daily basis.
If it is a hot day and you post an ice cream Sunday blog you may want to add a feature to find out which are the favorite ice cream Sundays to entice the reader.
This would be particularly useful if you own an ice cream shop.
Traffic generation is the goal in this regard, but it is not the ultimate goal of selling more ice cream.
Use all your flavors The nature of blog marketing dictates that you keep the posts relatively short and concise.
It doesn't mean not to take advantage of the reader once they are at the site.
Find out all you can about them once they are at the site.
Do they enjoy nuts, candy and cookies with their ice cream? Blog marketing is great for site visit and sales generation, but only if you keep it fresh.
The overall thrust of your blog may be fairly straight forward but the topic post needn't be.
Ultimately, by manipulating the post topic traffic generation can be increased.
If, for instance, your blog is related to food, you can write an individual post on ice cream Sundays to generate more traffic.
Choosing the individual post topic, however, needs to be part of a calculated plan if the resulting traffic increase is to be capitalized upon.
Relevance counts Where a website needs to be kept up to date and changed around every few weeks, a blog needs to be kept up to date on a daily basis.
If it is a hot day and you post an ice cream Sunday blog you may want to add a feature to find out which are the favorite ice cream Sundays to entice the reader.
This would be particularly useful if you own an ice cream shop.
Traffic generation is the goal in this regard, but it is not the ultimate goal of selling more ice cream.
Use all your flavors The nature of blog marketing dictates that you keep the posts relatively short and concise.
It doesn't mean not to take advantage of the reader once they are at the site.
Find out all you can about them once they are at the site.
Do they enjoy nuts, candy and cookies with their ice cream? Blog marketing is great for site visit and sales generation, but only if you keep it fresh.