Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone...
~ Neale Donald Walsch Yesterday my wife and I and our two-year old son Aidan went for a sunset stroll on the shore of Lake Michigan.
It was breath-taking.
There was a strong on-shore wind just cool enough to cut through the warm humid air making it the truest sense of "Comfortable.
" The sun was setting behind the Milwaukee skyline.
Sail boats dotted the waters.
Kids and adults alike were scattered about this large park flying kites.
It was quite simply a perfect environment for a walk.
Aidan was having the time of his life, just running around with no agenda or destination in his mind.
We continued to walk toward the water.
A path of asphalt made for an easy stroll, but as we got closer, we noticed the edge of a low metal wall sticking up, signifying the edge of LAND and the beginning of WATER!! Aidan was fearless and like a moth to a flame his absent-minded wandering became an all-out relentless mission to sprint to the edge.
This guard rail, if you could call it that, was seriously not more than 2 feet tall.
The perfect height for our adept climbing expert to scale.
More distressing, the free fall was about 22 feet straight down into Lake Michigan...
Panic engulfed Gina.
That might seem obvious, but you see we do our best to let Aidan explore, learn, and grow on his own pace, much like they do in Montessori or Waldorf schooling system.
The incredible sense of discomfort at such a hazardous fall, coupled with Aidan's intense desire to stare fate in the eyes, just about caused an otherwise healthy, marathon running Gina to have a Coronary.
When we arrived home and Aidan was safely tucked into his bed.
I took some time to reflect upon my day.
That is when I read the quote that I opened this post with.
Only something seemed to click.
You see, I expend a significant amount of energy guiding myself to live outside of my comfort zone.
Whether it be self-growth, business growth, relational growth, or even physical growth, I believe to maximize and really enjoy the benefits, you need to learn to accept and embrace getting out of your comfort zone.
Makes sense right? Then I thought about the evenings walk with Aidan and I realized something quite profound.
Most people, myself included are living life at the edge of their comfort zone - you know that place where it's really freaking scary, where things seem to be super uncertain, where danger seems to lurk around every corner.
Most people are right there on the edge of comfort and uncomfortable, but yet they are still playing it safe standing within their comfort zone shores...
Ah-freaking-ha!! Growth occurs when you step OUT of your comfort zone, not to the freaking edge of it.
And the edge is a scary damn place to be.
Why? Because it's where your current perception meets the unknown and therefore you make assumptions, you second guess, you what-if.
You DON'T grow.
Edge or not, you are not growing if you're hanging on to the safety of your comfort zone.
Am I saying that it would have been okay for my two-year old to climb over the railing and plummet into the chilly waters of Lake Michigan...
Hell no! Of course I'm not saying that...
And you can be certain that had he fallen in, I'd have been in that water in about 0.
02 seconds after him.
Yet most people are super uncomfortable with their lives, because they are at the edge staring into the unknown and questioning it.
Look around...
-Too many people are broke...
-Too many people feel trapped...
-Too many people are in debt...
-Too many people are sick...
-Too many people are complaining...
And worse of all...
Too many people have become COMFORTABLE with it.
Yet there are some who want more.
-Some who want freedom! -Some who want travel! -Some who want health! -Some who want adventure! -Some who want to be part of something! Are you one of them? Are you tired of your comfort zone? The place where all your excuses are welcome and justified.
Are you tired of mediocrity and accepting less than what you deserve? I understand exactly how you feel, because I too once felt it.
What did I do to change all that? -I embraced getting out of my comfort zone.
-I stopped limiting myself.
-I stopped fighting with my mentors about why I can't.
And -I started to focus on Yes I can...
Best part, you can do it too! Take just 17 seconds, and focus on your growth...
Follow that up with another 17 seconds, and another, and another.
The amazing thing is that after just 68 seconds an incredible, amazing transformation starts to take place in you.
You start to believe...
and where their is belief there is power.
I believe you CAN do it.
I believe growth isn't nearly as scary as teetering on the edge.
Trust me - the scariest place to be is where you think you're at your edge of comfort.
There are many people on this journey...
As always Dream Big, Live Big Jeremy The Dream Big Family
~ Neale Donald Walsch Yesterday my wife and I and our two-year old son Aidan went for a sunset stroll on the shore of Lake Michigan.
It was breath-taking.
There was a strong on-shore wind just cool enough to cut through the warm humid air making it the truest sense of "Comfortable.
" The sun was setting behind the Milwaukee skyline.
Sail boats dotted the waters.
Kids and adults alike were scattered about this large park flying kites.
It was quite simply a perfect environment for a walk.
Aidan was having the time of his life, just running around with no agenda or destination in his mind.
We continued to walk toward the water.
A path of asphalt made for an easy stroll, but as we got closer, we noticed the edge of a low metal wall sticking up, signifying the edge of LAND and the beginning of WATER!! Aidan was fearless and like a moth to a flame his absent-minded wandering became an all-out relentless mission to sprint to the edge.
This guard rail, if you could call it that, was seriously not more than 2 feet tall.
The perfect height for our adept climbing expert to scale.
More distressing, the free fall was about 22 feet straight down into Lake Michigan...
Panic engulfed Gina.
That might seem obvious, but you see we do our best to let Aidan explore, learn, and grow on his own pace, much like they do in Montessori or Waldorf schooling system.
The incredible sense of discomfort at such a hazardous fall, coupled with Aidan's intense desire to stare fate in the eyes, just about caused an otherwise healthy, marathon running Gina to have a Coronary.
When we arrived home and Aidan was safely tucked into his bed.
I took some time to reflect upon my day.
That is when I read the quote that I opened this post with.
Only something seemed to click.
You see, I expend a significant amount of energy guiding myself to live outside of my comfort zone.
Whether it be self-growth, business growth, relational growth, or even physical growth, I believe to maximize and really enjoy the benefits, you need to learn to accept and embrace getting out of your comfort zone.
Makes sense right? Then I thought about the evenings walk with Aidan and I realized something quite profound.
Most people, myself included are living life at the edge of their comfort zone - you know that place where it's really freaking scary, where things seem to be super uncertain, where danger seems to lurk around every corner.
Most people are right there on the edge of comfort and uncomfortable, but yet they are still playing it safe standing within their comfort zone shores...
Ah-freaking-ha!! Growth occurs when you step OUT of your comfort zone, not to the freaking edge of it.
And the edge is a scary damn place to be.
Why? Because it's where your current perception meets the unknown and therefore you make assumptions, you second guess, you what-if.
You DON'T grow.
Edge or not, you are not growing if you're hanging on to the safety of your comfort zone.
Am I saying that it would have been okay for my two-year old to climb over the railing and plummet into the chilly waters of Lake Michigan...
Hell no! Of course I'm not saying that...
And you can be certain that had he fallen in, I'd have been in that water in about 0.
02 seconds after him.
Yet most people are super uncomfortable with their lives, because they are at the edge staring into the unknown and questioning it.
Look around...
-Too many people are broke...
-Too many people feel trapped...
-Too many people are in debt...
-Too many people are sick...
-Too many people are complaining...
And worse of all...
Too many people have become COMFORTABLE with it.
Yet there are some who want more.
-Some who want freedom! -Some who want travel! -Some who want health! -Some who want adventure! -Some who want to be part of something! Are you one of them? Are you tired of your comfort zone? The place where all your excuses are welcome and justified.
Are you tired of mediocrity and accepting less than what you deserve? I understand exactly how you feel, because I too once felt it.
What did I do to change all that? -I embraced getting out of my comfort zone.
-I stopped limiting myself.
-I stopped fighting with my mentors about why I can't.
And -I started to focus on Yes I can...
Best part, you can do it too! Take just 17 seconds, and focus on your growth...
Follow that up with another 17 seconds, and another, and another.
The amazing thing is that after just 68 seconds an incredible, amazing transformation starts to take place in you.
You start to believe...
and where their is belief there is power.
I believe you CAN do it.
I believe growth isn't nearly as scary as teetering on the edge.
Trust me - the scariest place to be is where you think you're at your edge of comfort.
There are many people on this journey...
As always Dream Big, Live Big Jeremy The Dream Big Family