Health & Medical Body building

Important Tips to Building Muscle Fast

For any new bodybuilder, slow results can be very frustrating.
I will provide you with some great tips to help you build muscle fast.
One of the most important steps to building muscle fast is keeping a chart with the progress of your lifts.
This will let you know if you are starting to slack on your workouts.
It will also let you know which exercises are most efficient for building muscle.
If you are unable to increase any weight over a 10 day period you are not in putting enough effort.
You should maximize every workout you perform.
It is important to target the muscle you want to build.
Find out which exercises build the muscle in the area you want to target, Perform 3 sets of about 8 reps with that exercise per workout.
You can start off with either doing the most weight you can handle first and decreasing the weight lightly for each new set, or doing little amounts to start and increasing to your maximum ability.
This is the main technique used by most bodybuilders.
If this is performed correctly your muscle will have been worked hard enough to grow, which is the idea right? This way, You will be constantly gaining muscle and increasing your weight.
You would think that spending all your time in the gym would lead to fastest muscle growth right? Wrong! You should aim for short workouts.
You need to try and put all your exercises in quickly because the more your muscles are worked in a certain period of time the more they will grow.
So you should only spend 1 minute and 15 seconds in between sets.
The amount of reps can be a big impact on growth of your muscle.
Instead of doing 10 reps of moderate weight, you should do 6 to 8 reps of high weight.
This stimulates faster muscle growth.
Example Your 1 rep max = 150 pounds 3 Sets of 6 reps at 120 pounds.
You should decrease 5 pounds after each set or you could start at 105 and increase 5 pounds after each set.
3 Sets of 8 reps at 115.
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