Health & Medical Lose Weight

Ultimate Guide To Weight Loss Part 1

Ultimate guide to fat loss

How fat is burned

Firstly before we start this is a six week training program to lose weight and build a better body in six weeks and is suitable for both men and women, men can expect to lose weight and bulk up and women can expect to lose weight and get toned. A women can do the same training program as men but you will not bulk up to see why click here.

For many years now many people have believed that the way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume.

Now although calories should be monitored losing weight is not quite that simple so over the next few weeks we are going to show you how to lose weight effectively and permanently with meal plans, training exercises and tips plus a round up of suitable supplements, some which can be used to kick start you off then stopped as they will not be needed as you start to reach your goal, and some which are perhaps not essential but recommended to reach your goal faster and maintain it, as with some nutrients we just can't eat enough to get them.

Different macronutrients, protein, carbohydrates and fat have different effects on your body.

If you are on a high carb diet your body will always have enough energy to burn without needing to dip into it's fat stores, restricting your carb intake forces your body to use fat for fuel.

So making sure you don't eat too many calories is important, lowering your carb intake is essential to getting your body into the right state for burning fat.

Fat burning made easy

1. when your blood sugar levels are low, because you are not eating many carbs, or have gone for a period without eating your pancreas releases the hormone glucagon to raise them.
2. to do this glucagon causes free fatty acids from your fat cells to be released into your blood stream.
3. these fatty acids are sent to your liver where they are converted into glucose that your muscles and brain use as fuel.

Food rules

What you eat and when you eat is crucial to your success of building a leaner body.

At the start of each week there is a seven day meal plan, so stock up first with the right foods, not having these to hand will make it impossible to stick to the plan and you will end up eating something which is not suitable for this plan to work.

1. believe it or not but eating lean meat for breakfast is one of the best things you can do to lose weight, as it allows for a slow and steady rise in blood sugar levels which keep you feeling fuller for longer and stops you dipping in the sweet cupboard, plus it gives you a big dose of protein which helps repair damage done to muscles during training.
2. protein with every meal, people on a protein diet find it easier to lose weight and it is practically impossible to eat too much protein as you should be eating about 1g for every pound you weigh.
3. along with protein vegetables should form about half of your meal, as they are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to keep you full of fibre and keep you fighting fit.
4. carbs should be eaten around training as they help you recover faster and feel energised.
5. water, people just don't realize how important water is, you should be drinking 2-3 litres a day to keep hydrated and more on training days, it also helps to flush toxins out of your body making you more efficient at getting fitter and leaner

coming up next

super supplements, taking the right supplements at the right time for faster gains
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