Health & Medical Anti Aging

So You Want To Look Younger - Every Boomer"s Quest!

Here you are:A sensational woman living in what could be the most productive and most powerful time in your life.
Your children are raised and you desire more.
You bubble over with passion knowing that you have what it takes and then you look in the mirror and you are stopped, frozen, looking at a tired face that is drab and not too pretty.
All of a sudden confidence wanes and a rush of tiredness envelopes your body; this crushing blow happens frequently to men and women who are experiencing the initial onslaught of aging.
Baby boomers have enjoyed maximum youthfulness; they exercise regularly, participate in spa treatments and facials, and wear trendy clothing with ease as they jet set here and there but their faces are telling their age.
Facial plastic surgery and the accompanying injections that paralyze and plump are being used at an insane level by men and women hoping to stop the tell-tale signs of aging in their faces.
The drug companies and physicians have made consumers their puppets with slick advertising, air-brushed models and huge dollars invested in their campaigns to make you believe you need high cost, risky procedures to make you prettier, more handsome and prosperous.
In addition to surgery and injections, you have probably seen hand held electrical devices that promise to "give you the look of a facelift", alleviate wrinkles and perform other wonders in just minutes a day.
Television spokeswomen want you to believe that their good looks are indeed the result of using the device but do you know they frequently enjoy Botox and even surgeries?They shamelessly deceive the viewer, lulling them to purchase and purchase high dollar items while conveniently forgetting their latest visit to their plastic surgeon.
Surgery, injections and electro-stimulation devices are not quick fixes.
Oh, it might seem that it's quick - you'll certainly look different when the bandages come off or the paralyzing injection takes effect - but you will quickly realize that there are other parts of your face that need attention.
More surgery, more injections, more drugs, more risk, more outlay of cash and before you know it, your body is full of toxins and scars.
Using surgery to look younger does not mean that aging has stopped.
Facial muscles will continue to elongate pulling the skin down unnaturally while causing you to look distorted and older.
Pain, bruising, redness, swelling, loss of sensation are other aspects of these quick fixes.
Every quick fix has a consequence; there is risk in every procedure that goes far beyond a little redness and swelling.
Your body is never the same once you have allowed a procedure to be done.
What if you do not like the results of surgery?Does that mean you are willing to undergo another surgery to correct the unexpected result?That has happened to several people I know; botched eyelid surgery, lips hardened by concrete type fillers and implanted strings that create facial sagging are just a few ordinary mishaps.
Multiple face lifts do harm long-term as prettiness gives way to that freakish, recognizable wind tunnel appearance.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to forego every surgical procedure, every type of injection and instead use a proven method of exercise to give yourself the look of a facelift?Does that sound too good to be true? How would your face look if exercise lifted those tired, sagging areas like eyelids and double chins?What if exercise tightened droopy mouth corners and smoothed forehead lines?Would you feel satisfied looking ten to fifteen years younger in just weeks without spending a lot of money?Would your confidence return?Would you have more energy and passion about things that matter? "Facial exercises may be good for mental health for the simple reason that if you look better, you feel better," says Newton, MA psychologist Laura Hart.
One reason you feel much better is that you have saved yourself money and possible anguish by taking control of your face.
"Using physical exercise can create a more youthful, healthier appearance by causing the facial skin to tighten up and become more toned," states Santa Monica physician, Mark Berman, MD.
You have exercised your body, now it is time to exercise your face using resistance and contractions, the very same movements you use to shape up your body.
Facial muscle exercise results in tightened, stronger, toned facial muscles and this makes your skin look radiant, brighter and alive.
Imagine wearing a younger looking face that resembles the you ten to fifteen years ago - your face is tight and lifted.
Now when you confidently look in the mirror, you see a healthier, happier and certainly younger looking face.
And you did it without risk, pain or spending your children's inheritance.
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