Updated December 09, 2014.
If you are a nursing mother, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you what parts of your body ache the most: your shoulders and back. There are so many wonderful things about breastfeeding, but an achy back is not one of them. Here are some poses you can do to counteract that hunched over feeling, with an emphasis on moving your shoulders down and back and reopening the chest. If you have only recently given birth, take it easy and stop if anything causes pain.
When you're nursing a lot, you may feel like you're stuck in that hunched over position. Doing a few cat-cow stretches brings mobility back into your spine. Enjoy exaggerating the rounded position by doming your back up high. This will make the arched position feel even better. More »
A nice gentle way to get in a little heart opening. You can even do this on your bed if you don't have time to get out a mat. Or show your baby what to do during tummy time! Just make sure to keep your shoulders down. Pressing firmly into your palms and forearms is a good way to do this. More »
If you only have a few minutes, make this your go-to stretch. You are going to need a block between your shoulder blades to get the full effect, however. I recommend one with the corners rounded off for this pose. It doesn't matter what you do with your legs here. If the goddess position doesn't feel good, just bend your knees and place the soles of your feet on the floor.More »
After you lift your hips, interlace your hands under your body and roll your shoulders under one at a time. Don't worry about how high you lift your hips. If you have your block handy, you can try a supported bridge. The block goes under your sacrum. More »
A chance to work on your heart opening and your abs at the same time. The thing to remember here is that it doesn't matter how high you can bring your torso. It's more important to keep your spine long and straight. Plug your shoulders into the sockets, draw your shoulder blades together and allow those actions to expand your chest. If you have a diastasis recti, talk to your doctor before resuming abdominal exercises. More »
The forward bend is actually optional here. The main event is to stand up tall, roll your shoulders back, interlace your fingers behind your back, draw your hands toward the floor and puff up your chest. For an extra flourish, forward bend over your legs. Bend your knees if that's a more comfortable variation.More »
To get the best chest stretch out of triangle, focus on stacking your top shoulder directly over the bottom shoulder. Straighten your top arm and bring it parallel to the floor. Plug your shoulder into the socket before lifting your arm all the way up. You can also keep your hand on your hip if that feels better. Triangle is a great stretch for your hamstrings too.More »
Downward facing dog feels good just about any time. Since we've been emphasizing heart-opening, you may feel like you want to push your chest through and let your spine hammock. Resist this temptation, aiming instead for a straight back and broad shoulder blades. Our goal is bring the body into balance, not knock it out of wack in the opposite direction.More »
If you are a nursing mother, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you what parts of your body ache the most: your shoulders and back. There are so many wonderful things about breastfeeding, but an achy back is not one of them. Here are some poses you can do to counteract that hunched over feeling, with an emphasis on moving your shoulders down and back and reopening the chest. If you have only recently given birth, take it easy and stop if anything causes pain.
1. Cat-Cow Stretch - Chakravakasana
When you're nursing a lot, you may feel like you're stuck in that hunched over position. Doing a few cat-cow stretches brings mobility back into your spine. Enjoy exaggerating the rounded position by doming your back up high. This will make the arched position feel even better. More »
2. Sphinx Pose
A nice gentle way to get in a little heart opening. You can even do this on your bed if you don't have time to get out a mat. Or show your baby what to do during tummy time! Just make sure to keep your shoulders down. Pressing firmly into your palms and forearms is a good way to do this. More »
3. Goddess Pose With a Block
If you only have a few minutes, make this your go-to stretch. You are going to need a block between your shoulder blades to get the full effect, however. I recommend one with the corners rounded off for this pose. It doesn't matter what you do with your legs here. If the goddess position doesn't feel good, just bend your knees and place the soles of your feet on the floor.More »
4. Bridge Pose - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
After you lift your hips, interlace your hands under your body and roll your shoulders under one at a time. Don't worry about how high you lift your hips. If you have your block handy, you can try a supported bridge. The block goes under your sacrum. More »
5. Half Boat Pose - Parsva Navasana
A chance to work on your heart opening and your abs at the same time. The thing to remember here is that it doesn't matter how high you can bring your torso. It's more important to keep your spine long and straight. Plug your shoulders into the sockets, draw your shoulder blades together and allow those actions to expand your chest. If you have a diastasis recti, talk to your doctor before resuming abdominal exercises. More »
6. Forward Bend With Interlaced Fingers
The forward bend is actually optional here. The main event is to stand up tall, roll your shoulders back, interlace your fingers behind your back, draw your hands toward the floor and puff up your chest. For an extra flourish, forward bend over your legs. Bend your knees if that's a more comfortable variation.More »
7. Extended Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana
To get the best chest stretch out of triangle, focus on stacking your top shoulder directly over the bottom shoulder. Straighten your top arm and bring it parallel to the floor. Plug your shoulder into the socket before lifting your arm all the way up. You can also keep your hand on your hip if that feels better. Triangle is a great stretch for your hamstrings too.More »
8. Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana
Downward facing dog feels good just about any time. Since we've been emphasizing heart-opening, you may feel like you want to push your chest through and let your spine hammock. Resist this temptation, aiming instead for a straight back and broad shoulder blades. Our goal is bring the body into balance, not knock it out of wack in the opposite direction.More »