- 1). Practice headstand poses after you warm up your body up with standing poses, but before your floor routine and cooling down. Generally the headstand is entered from downward facing dog, first entering into a kneel and then beginning the pose; however, it can also be started from the simple kneeling position as well.
- 2). Prepare the chair to practice the headstand, placing it just about 6 inches behind you in your kneeling position. The back of the chair should be facing away from you so that you can lift your legs when ready and support them on the chair.
- 3). Kneel on the floor and place your elbows on the ground about shoulder's width apart. Intertwine your fingers around the base of your head so that you pinky fingers rest on the floor and your arms form a triangular shape. Roll yourself forward slightly so that the top of your head is resting on the floor.
- 4). Inhale deeply and straighten your legs, lifting your hips towards the sky so that all of your weight falls into your arms and shoulders. Take care not to allow your weight to fall onto your head or you will injure your neck. Instead, support your weight with your arms entirely.
- 5). Walk your feet in slowly and gently until your back forms a straight line from shoulders to hips and then carefully lift your legs onto the seat of the chair one at a time. Keep your feet flexed and your knees straight so that only your toes are resting on the chair and hold the headstand for as long as you are comfortable.
- 6). Turn the chair so that the back is facing you once you are comfortable in this pose. You can then lift your feet up onto the back of the chair to get a bit more lift; however, make sure that your back remains straight. With time, you will build enough strength in your arms, shoulders and abdomen that you can lift your legs straight up to the sky and enter the full headstand.
- 7). Release the headstand by bending one knee at a time and gently bringing your knees to the mat. Remain in a kneeling position for at least 30 seconds to allow the blood flow to balance and then extend your legs back to rest on your stomach. Place your hand gently at your sides, turn one cheek to the mat a rest for a few minutes before you continue with your yoga floor routine.