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The Pilates 100
The Hundred: This is the most classic of all Pilate's movements, and it is a great way to start any Pilate's workout. Start by lying on your back on your mat, with your hands at your sides, and breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth several times. Bring your legs up to a 45 degree angle. Now peel your head and neck away from the mat and raise it up to a comfortable level, engaging the abdominals. You should be gazing into your abdomen for this exercise. Breathing in first, start pressing your hands in a downward motion for five beats, then breath out for the next five beats. Remember that is important to relax and breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Do this ten times, and you have completed the Pilates 100! - 2
The Roll Up
The Roll Up: This exercise is also excellent for you core strength. Start by lying on you back, and taking a breath in through the nose. Your hands should be at your sides to start. Next, float your hands up over your head, take in a breath, and peel yourself up to a sitting position over four counts. Let out your breath through your mouth. Continue to stretch out towards your feet for the next four counts, until you are over your feet. Breath in again, and slowly start to roll back down, laying down one vertebra of your spine one at a time over eight counts until you are back in starting position. Do this exercise 5-6 times per workout. - 3
One Leg Circles
One Leg Circle: This exercise will still stabilize your core, but also help shape and tone your legs. Start by lying on your back with your arms at your sides. If you are a beginner, you can keep one leg bent for this exercise. Lift one leg straight up and point your toe. Bring the leg down and across the other leg, engaging the core and breathing in. Sweep the leg back up into the starting position slowly and with control, exhaling through your mouth. Do this 5 times, and then switch directions with the same leg. Now do the exercise with the other leg, five times in one direction, five times the other. - 4
Single Leg Stretch
Single Leg Stretch: This is one of the best ways I have found to tone those pesky lower abdominals! Start again on your back, arms at you sides. Bring your knees up to a 90 degree angle, so that you look like a small table. This is called the table top position. Peel you head up from the mat, breathing in. Stretch out one leg to a 45 degree angle, while holding the other knee. Tug on the knee twice, breath out, and then switch legs, tugging twice on the knee. Do this ten times, and don't forget to breath! - 5
Double Leg Stretch
Double Leg Stretch: This is a challenging but effective exercise for the lower abdominals. Start in the table top position, and peel your neck and shoulders off of the mat, breathing out. Hold your knees in, and take a breath in. Stretch your arms and legs out away from each other, lengthening your body. Return to the position where you were holding your knees. Do this exercise five times. - 6
Straight leg Stretch
Single Straight Leg Stretch: This exercise continues to challenge the core, and also increases flexibility in the legs. Laying on your back, take a breath in. Raise one leg straight up, point your toe, and hold onto the back of your thigh. Peel your head off the mat slowly and tug on the leg twice. Switch legs like a scissors, pulling twice on the leg each time. Do this five times per leg.