Health & Medical Yoga

Merkaba Meditation - What is Merkaba Meditation?

Merkaba meditation is an extremely powerful meditation technique which can greatly benefit our healing powers.
The objective of Merkaba meditation is to develop an awareness of the geometric energy fields that surround the human body.
It is believed that these energies have slowed down and suffered due to pollution of the body, mind and spirit.
Without these energies humans are considered to be not fully alive and aware of the wonders of the universe.
Merkaba meditation aims to re-establish the movement of these energies.
In this practice one will perform a number of deep, long breaths.
During each breath the meditator will concentrate on the energy's new shapes and the space it will fill.
Our geometric energy fields should spin at an incredibly high speed around our bodies for a distance of about 55 feet.
Once this energy field is re-activated and spinning efficiently again, it is referred to as merkaba.
Merkaba meditation will allow for an individual to experience themselves and the world in a way they never imagined possible.
The principle of merkaba meditation is Sacred Geometry.
This includes understanding of one's self as well as the entire universe.
Once the meditator gains a little experience and the shapes grow clearer, the energy is enhanced which allows for greater healing potential of the mind, body and spirit.
Individuals embarking on merkaba meditation should realize that this is a practice for life.
Initially when you begin to learn the process, the enhanced feelings of love and energy will be quite apparent.
As you move along with your sessions these new sensations will become part of your life and actually seem to disappear.
This is when the meditator may cease to continue with his merkaba meditation, believing his geometric field of energy to be well.
However, stopping of the meditation technique will only result in falling back into one's original state.
Individuals interested in merkaba meditation must be dedicated and apply strict discipline in order to continue with the method.
Our everyday lives are busy with family and work responsibilities and this could distract you from continuing with merkaba techniques.
A good time to practice would be early in the morning, before the day gets started.
It may also help to focus on other people that you love.
Great self-esteem is required for self-meditation, therefore sometimes it is easier to meditate for your partner, friends, animals and even your enemies.
Program your merkaba spirit to grow continuously into your discipline.
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