- 1). Believe in reincarnation, which is central to the belief and practice of karma and its yoga. The basis of karma is that anything you do or think comes back to you threefold, good deeds as well as bad.
- 2). Work in an unselfish line of work or if unrealistic, donate as much of your time and material possessions to helping others as you can. Keep your own material possessions to a minimum and do not strive to obtain status with material symbols and objects, as this is bad karma.
- 3). Attempt to live a life of nonattachment, the most difficult area to master in karma yoga. Most people never fully achieve nonattachment, as it involves performing actions without regard to the results you'll receive, such as boasting of your service. Allow room to make mistakes and to correct them quickly.
- 4). Live a life free from emotions such as hatred or anger and be humble as much as you can. Be a social, amiable person and remove feelings of greed or egotism from your life.
- 5). Act as an instrument of the universe and higher power instead of for yourself. Give assistance to whoever you can at every opportunity without an expectation of return. Trust that karma will work itself out through your life and the lives of those around you.