Health & Medical Healthy Living

How to Order Essential Oils

    • 1). Purchase oils free of certain signifying phrases. Some oil descriptions use words or phrases that should act as a warning signal to deter you from buying them. These phrases include "fragrance," "nature identical" or "perfume." This indicates that chemicals have been used to alter the oil during manufacturing.

    • 2). Check the essential oil description. Catalogs or websites selling essential oils should list the oil's botanical (Latin name), country of origin or how it was extracted.

    • 3). Ask the vendor any questions you may have to make sure you are buying a true essential oil. Email or call based on the information on the vendor's website or catalog to ask questions such as how long the oil has been sitting on the shelf, how long it has been in inventory or any questions you have about the oil itself (origin, extraction).

    • 4). Buy quality oils sold in small bottles of dark colored glass. Pure essential oil may deteriorate plastic, and quality can be reduced through clear containers. Generally, when oils are sold in plastic or clear containers, they are not true essential oils.

    • 5). Avoid buying oils that come with an eyedropper. Essential oil sold with a rubber eyedropper bulb attached to the lid of the container can be contaminated as the oil dissolves the rubber dropper.

    • 6). Buy from vendors that promote proper treatment of their oils. Some vendors will make it known that they test all their oils before sale and supply you with samples to test their oils before you buy them. The vendors that provide the most help and information are usually the most trustworthy essential oil sellers.

    • 7). Order small shipments. Ask for a sample or two of different oils to come in your shipment. By placing a small order first, sometimes the vendor will be happy to supply you with one or two additional samples. You will then be able to determine how you like their essential oil products without having to spend a lot of money.

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