- MSN SkyDrive primarily serves as a storage service for your files, photos and other data you normally keep on your computer. Uploading your content to SkyDrive provides you with a backup copy of the data, so that should your computer ever crash or fail for any reason, your content will not be lost. You can also delete the original copy of your file from your computer and use the one on your SkyDrive if you want to make more room on your hard drive for other things.
- Files uploaded to the SkyDrive are quickly shared with other people by providing a link directed to the content. When you email your documents, photos or video to another person, the size of the file will count against her email account's storage limit; likewise, when she downloads it for viewing, space is occupied on her hard drive. Grant access to a SkyDrive file so your friend or colleague can see it without losing any space in her own email account or computer hard drive.
- Files that are uploaded to the SkyDrive can be edited by multiple people, if you afford such permissions. This feature allows co-workers and classmates working on group projects to access the same copy of the document and make alterations. When someone in your network makes a change to a document, the action shows up on your "What's New" list on the SkyDrive, so you know about the edits.
- Files uploaded to your SkyDrive are organized into folders, much like the ones you use on your computer's hard drive. Each folder has its own privacy level assigned to it, so sharing one folder doesn't mean you have to share everything on your entire SkyDrive. You receive five default SkyDrive folders, including "Public" and "Favorites," but you can easily create and name new folders. Each folder can hold a variety of file types, including Word documents and Excel spreadsheets.