- Oftentimes, anniversaries invoke a nostalgic feeling in those who participate in the celebration. A church that's been around for half a century should have an abundance of history from which to gather inspiration for a theme. Tie your anniversary in with the town in which it resides. Implement the city's name in your theme. For example "50 Years in Fairfield" or "Five Decades in Dearborn" are potential options.
Alternatively, choose something like "Our Founding Fathers" or "Those Who Went Before Us." This theme honors the church leaders and founders who were bold enough to begin your spiritual community. Write an official history of the church. Frame and display photographs from past years. - Rather than looking to the past, your parish may want to embrace the future when celebrating its 50th anniversary. If you happen to be a congregation that's growing out of it's current worship space, display a drawing of your future church building. Collect money toward the construction fund for the new church home. Choose a theme like "Middletown Baptist -- Marching Toward the Future."
If you're comfortable in your church building, but have many new projects, ministries and outreach programs in place, focus on the goals of those groups in the upcoming years. Choose a theme like "Touching the Hearts and Lives of the Masses" or "Reaching Out to Those in Need," and tie those ideas in with your anniversary gala. - Since gold represents a 50th wedding anniversary, why not incorporate it into your church's 50th anniversary celebration as well? Decorate the venue where the anniversary celebration is to be held with gold balloons, streamers, stars and confetti. Decorate the main aisles with gold aisle runners. Choose a theme like "Golden Memories."
Another option for a golden theme incorporates using gold as a symbol of giving. Place offering boxes for a charity that's important to the church at strategic locations in your venue. Ask attendees to "Share the Wealth" with those less fortunate as part of your golden theme. - The congregation is the backbone of the church. Use the 50th anniversary of your church to focus on the members and what the church means to them. Select some of your older members who have attended services since the doors first opened. Ask them to share their memories and experiences that have kept them coming back over the decades. Choose a theme like "We're Only as Strong as Our Members."
When you don't have members that can remember the church as it was in the early days, choose those whose lives have been particularly changed through their membership. Ask them to share their stories at a special banquet and allow the congregation to bask in the good that has come from their organization. Opt for a theme like "50 Years of Changing Lives and Hearts."
Historic Themes
Futuristic Themes
Golden Anniversary Themes
Congregation-Oriented Themes