Article writing is undeniably one of the most potent forms of online marketing.
It is quite easy to market a certain product or brand using articles and write-ups as you provide useful information to the readers or internet users.
When writing articles, it has already become common practice to include a resource box at the end of each writeup.
Below are some important points that can help you understand more of resource boxes and help you maximize their role for online marketing and traffic generation.
What Are Resource Boxes? A resource box is a small space at the end of each posted article where crucial information about the author is located.
The resource box must contain the name of the article author, a short author description and also a source URL.
Tips to Writing a Good Resource Box: In article writing for online marketing, it is essential to make your resource box as your means to generate the traffic for your site.
You can do this by making sure that your reader clicks on the provided URL link.
Here are some tips to help you make a stinging resource box: 1.
Write your full name.
Giving your real name as the author instantly creates credibility.
This helps much especially since readers naturally are more suspicious when it comes to matters online.
Write a short but catchy description.
Be sure that you use attention-grabbing adjectives to describe yourself but be wary in going overboard.
Offer something (free, if possible) to the reader.
You must make the reader crave for more and actually want more.
Offering them something free is the best hook to get them click on your site URL.
By clicking, you transform them to site traffic.
It is quite easy to market a certain product or brand using articles and write-ups as you provide useful information to the readers or internet users.
When writing articles, it has already become common practice to include a resource box at the end of each writeup.
Below are some important points that can help you understand more of resource boxes and help you maximize their role for online marketing and traffic generation.
What Are Resource Boxes? A resource box is a small space at the end of each posted article where crucial information about the author is located.
The resource box must contain the name of the article author, a short author description and also a source URL.
Tips to Writing a Good Resource Box: In article writing for online marketing, it is essential to make your resource box as your means to generate the traffic for your site.
You can do this by making sure that your reader clicks on the provided URL link.
Here are some tips to help you make a stinging resource box: 1.
Write your full name.
Giving your real name as the author instantly creates credibility.
This helps much especially since readers naturally are more suspicious when it comes to matters online.
Write a short but catchy description.
Be sure that you use attention-grabbing adjectives to describe yourself but be wary in going overboard.
Offer something (free, if possible) to the reader.
You must make the reader crave for more and actually want more.
Offering them something free is the best hook to get them click on your site URL.
By clicking, you transform them to site traffic.