Health & Medical Lose Weight

How Does Dieting Too Much Make You Fatter?

It is an inevitable truth that dieting too much makes you fatter.
People around are always keen to indulge in a low-calorie diet in order to reduce their body weight.
They seem to pick up all the tips or suggestions that are available on the internet, in newspapers, and on television about various methods to reduce their excess fat.
Thus, they opt for a very low-calorie diet in hopes of losing weight but they ultimately just end up gaining weight.
Our body needs a certain amount of calories.
It deteriorates if the optimum amount of calories and fats are not consumed.
Some people believe that it is a myth that dieting too much makes you fatter, but it is a reality.
It might be true that a low-calorie diet may initially reduce your body weight but have you ever wondered what this continuous calorie restriction can do to your body in the long run? The actual fact is low-calorie diets (typically under 1200 calories) will eventually contribute to your weight gain instead of weight loss.
When a person involves himself in a low calorie diet, he goes into starvation mode.
While in starvation mode, the body begins to turn on itself for fuel but instead of eating away at fat, it eats away at your lean muscle mass.
This is how you are able to drop weight.
The problem is that your lean muscle mass determines how fast or slow your metabolism is - the more of it you have, the faster your metabolism will be.
Therefore, the diminution of this muscle tissue makes the body weaker.
In effect, the body loses the capacity to burn calories and stored fats efficiently.
So after you've dropped a few pounds initially from starving yourself, you've also successfully damaged your metabolism.
As soon as you start eating at normal calorie levels, you will quickly gain the weight back, plus more on top of it.
Another point is that those who generally involve themselves in low-calorie diets take in only refined carbohydrates.
This is a substance which the digestive system transforms into glucose.
After the conversion, it is distributed by the blood all over your body.
If the body needs no energy immediately, the glucose will be stored as glycogen stores in the body.
If you are comparatively less active, you will not need much energy from this stored glucose.
This glucose will then be changed into fat.
The entire process of losing lean muscle tissue and gaining weight is called the Yo-Yo effect.
It is high time that you realize that dieting too much makes you fatter, not thinner.
Hence, it is always advisable to follow a sensible diet and eat the right foods rather than embarking on a very low-calorie diet for permanent weight loss.
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