Do you dream of having a book published, but don't know where to turn? Already have a book, but unsure of how to promote it? Looking for cost effective high-return strategies to market your book? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the following information is for you.
Many writers and aspiring authors are under the mistaken belief if their book is published by a publishing house they can sit back and watch sales miraculously happen.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The fact is, competition to have your manuscript noticed and published by one of the remaining large publishing houses is extremely fierce.
Additionally, no matter who publishes your book, you absolutely must take an active roll in marketing, promoting and selling your book.
Moreover, profit margins are not extremely good when you go through a traditional publisher.
Sure, if you sell tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of books, you make substantial amounts of money.
In reality only a small percentage of writers achieve this level of success.
In addition to minimal profit margins is the length of time it takes a book to get to market when going through a traditional publisher.
When you self publish you have control of the creative process including when the book does in fact make it to market.
However, it takes more than simply taking a book to market for it to be successful.
Ask any author who has books stacked up in their garage watching their dream of fame and fortune diminish every time they see the boxes against the garage wall.
It doesn't have to be this way.
With a solid marketing plan you will sell books and make a profit.
One of the best ways to promote your book is with teleseminars.
That's right! Teleseminars are one of the best ways to gain visibility for yourself as an author and your book.
Although this is a time consuming process, it can pay off handsomely.
Not only do you increase your chances of selling your book, you also gain more credibility with this strategy.
The process of teleseminars is actually quite simple.
One, decide on the topic.
Two, determine the date you will host your event.
Three, market the heck out of the teleseminar.
Four, be prepared to incorporate information about your book throughout the teleseminar.
After all, promoting and selling your book is why you are hosting the teleseminar in the first place.
Many writers and aspiring authors are under the mistaken belief if their book is published by a publishing house they can sit back and watch sales miraculously happen.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The fact is, competition to have your manuscript noticed and published by one of the remaining large publishing houses is extremely fierce.
Additionally, no matter who publishes your book, you absolutely must take an active roll in marketing, promoting and selling your book.
Moreover, profit margins are not extremely good when you go through a traditional publisher.
Sure, if you sell tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of books, you make substantial amounts of money.
In reality only a small percentage of writers achieve this level of success.
In addition to minimal profit margins is the length of time it takes a book to get to market when going through a traditional publisher.
When you self publish you have control of the creative process including when the book does in fact make it to market.
However, it takes more than simply taking a book to market for it to be successful.
Ask any author who has books stacked up in their garage watching their dream of fame and fortune diminish every time they see the boxes against the garage wall.
It doesn't have to be this way.
With a solid marketing plan you will sell books and make a profit.
One of the best ways to promote your book is with teleseminars.
That's right! Teleseminars are one of the best ways to gain visibility for yourself as an author and your book.
Although this is a time consuming process, it can pay off handsomely.
Not only do you increase your chances of selling your book, you also gain more credibility with this strategy.
The process of teleseminars is actually quite simple.
One, decide on the topic.
Two, determine the date you will host your event.
Three, market the heck out of the teleseminar.
Four, be prepared to incorporate information about your book throughout the teleseminar.
After all, promoting and selling your book is why you are hosting the teleseminar in the first place.