Health & Medical Lose Weight

Dr. Gott"s No Flour, No Sugar Diet

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about Dr. Gott's Diet on

For an additional source, check out Dr. Gott's Diet on the very popular


There is absolutely no question whether healthy eating is an essential part of losing weight. Yet, nutrition is not the only issue that must be addressed. Plus, nutrition must be approached with a mindset toward the long-run. Dr. Gott's diet, the "No Sugar, No Flour" method, is touted as a long term, foolproof way to lose weight. The program will be looked at here in further detail.

Program at a Glance

As the name suggests, Dr. Gott's diet is centered on participants cutting out all flour and added sugar, at least at the outset.

Program in Focus

Dr. Gott places the bulk of the blame for weight gain on carbohydrates and sugar (both of which end up becoming basically the same thing through digestion). Thus, his nutrition plan focuses on helping dieters completely eradicate these things from their eating habits. His book provides many uncommon recipes which are chock full of rice products, vegetables, potato-based foods, and fruits. Apparently, once a participant reaches his or her target weight he or she is able to re-introduce some flour and sugar-based foods into the diet (how much is unclear). It is tough to say whether the average dieter can make such sweeping changes to his or her nutrition plan. It is true that some sort of healthy eating habits must be established, though they may not necessarily be as drastic as Dr. Gott's method.


•    Encourages healthier eating habits


•    May be unrealistic for some dieters
•    Drastic approach
•    Does not seem to mention the issue of supplementation
•    Nutrition is only one component of lasting weight loss

Final Thoughts

Dr. Gott seems to think that drastic times call for drastic measures. While this may be true for some dieters, other people may opt for more conservative lifestyle changes. In reality, people have to find sustainable approaches for both nutrition and fitness. When such regimens are in place dieters may want to consider using a worthwhile supplement. A product worth considering is one that can safely and effectively promote fat burning while curbing the appetite.
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