Health & Medical Lose Weight

Why and How You Need to Increase Metabolism?

If the question is asked, "how to increase metabolism?" the answer that would be given to you is a combination of three things.
Those three things that people tend to follow while on their quest to lose weight, that is, dietary regulations, routine exercise and weight loss supplements.
For those who aren't very clear about what metabolism actually means, it is the rate at which the human body burns calories.
The more calories you burn, the more weight you lose.
Before you ask this question next time you would well know why it is important to increase metabolism! But one thing must be noted, that, the calories you burn should be more than the calories that you consume.
The amount of calories you can burn depends on a number of factors like diet, hormonal changes, age, sex, weight and fitness level.
There is nothing you can do about your age, sex and hormonal changes.
They are a part of your being.
The only thing that can be done is consult a doctor who can help you increase your metabolism by suggesting the right kind of diet, supplemented with routine exercise.
The first thing that should come to your mind when diet and metabolism is concerned is the amount of calories that you consume.
The more calories you take in, the more you need to burn, so that your weight is maintained.
You should also remember that excess calories are stored as fat.
If you have a sedentary life, you will not require more than 1500 calories a day.
But if you have a more active life then, you would need more calories to maintain your body weight.
One should indulge in healthy and nutrient rich food.
Also, food supplements should be religiously taken.
You should inculcate healthy habits and try leading a more organized and disciplined life.
Meals should not be skipped; you must eat small meals at regular time intervals rather than having two large meals a day.
Breakfast is the essential most meal of the day.
You must have a healthy, low calorie but filling breakfast.
Dinner should be kept light and must be taken at least two hours before you go to bed.
Diet should be low on sodium and must contain plenty of greens.
Fried food needs to be given a miss.
Also, smoking is injurious to the gastrointestinal lining and thus should be strictly abstained from.
You should drink plenty of water and sedentary lifestyle needs to be avoided.
De stressing techniques should be followed; one must also take to bed early and wake up early.
Aerobics, yoga and resistance exercise is another effective way of increasing metabolism.
It exerts pressure on the cardiovascular and muscular system and helps them grow stronger.
Calories are burnt down not only while exercising but also post workout.
Post-workout, the metabolism rate increases because it is then that the body recovers from the stress which it has undergone during workout.
Weight lifting actually causes breakdown of the muscles and post exercise the muscles are build to be bigger and stronger by the body.
It is at this point of time that energy in the form of burnt calories is required.
Hence, if you are planning to lose weight, just try and increase your rate of metabolism.
For that, all you need to do is have a healthy and balanced diet coupled with a strict exercise regime.
And, do remember that calories burnt should be more than calories consumed; this helps maintain body weight.
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