Health & Medical Body building

Top Ten Exercises to Create a Dumbbell and Bodyweight Full Body Workout

Lets assume that you have nothing but a pair of dumbbells with you.
How do you construct the best Dumbbell Full Body Workout for your goals? Well, Dumbbells are actually extremely versatile, and you can do hundreds of exercises with them.
On top of that, you can combine Dumbbells with bodyweight movements to give you more options.
The following are a few exercises you can do for eachbodypart to help you construct a full body workout: Chest Dumbbell Pushup Row - This is actually both a chest and a back exercise.
Grab two dumbbells and assume a pushup position.
Perform a pushup.
Make sure you take advantage of the elevation off the ground to get a deeper range of motion.
Push yourself back up.
Lift one hand off the ground, and row the dumbbell up to your arm pits while keeping your back straight.
You should also feel your abdominal contracting as they try to stabilize your entire body off the ground.
Return the hand to the ground, perform anotherpushup, then perform a row with the other hand.
Pair this movement with a lower body exercise and you've got yourself a full body workout.
Shoulders Dumbbell Front Squat - See Saw Press - This exercise works your lower body and your shoulders.
Grab a pair of dumbbells and clean them up to your shoulders.
Squat down, keeping your back straight, chest out, and abs contracted.
Stand back up and press the Dumbbell overhead with one hand while bending slightly to the opposite side.
Lower the pressing hand, and repeat with the other hand.
Return the dumbbell to your shoulder and repeat.
Combine this movement with the DumbbellPushup Row and you've got a full body workout.
Triceps Dumbbell Close-GripFloor Press - Lay on the floor with your back to the ground.
Grab a pair of dumbbells and place them close to your chest.
The heads of the dumbbells should be touching, so that your hands are closer together than a normal dumbbell floor press.
Press the dumbbells over your head while keep the dumbbells connected.
Pair this with a back and lower body movement and you've got a full body workout.
Biceps Bodyweight Over Under Chinups - Grab a pullup bar with a mixed grip.
One palm is facing towards you while the other palm is facing away from you.
Pull yourself up so that your chin clears the bar.
Half way through the set switch the grips.
Pair this movement with the Dumbbell Close-Grip Floor Press and a lower body movement, and you have a full body workout.
Forearms Bodyweight Knuckle Pushup - These are simply regular pushups done on your knuckles.
Make a tight fist, and place them on the floor.
Perform a pushup.
At first, you may want to try the movement on a softer surface.
Combine this movement with the Bodyweight Under Over Chinup and a lower body movement and you have a full body workout.
This movement also works your triceps, shoulders and chest.
Back Bodyweight Chin Up - Grab a pullup bar with both palms facing you.
Pull your body up so that the chin clears the bar.
This movement also works the biceps.
Pair this exercise with a chest and lower body exercise for a full body workout.
Abs Dumbbell Crunch - Most of the other movements, such as the Dumbbell Pushup Row and Chinups also work the abs.
However, if you feel you need extra abdominal work, then this is a good movement as well.
Get into crunch position and hold one or two dumbbells straight out in front of you, over your head.
Crunch up, trying to keep the Dumbbell above your head at all times.
Quadriceps/Glutes Bodyweight Burpees Plus - Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
Squat down and place your hands in front of you on the floor.
Kick your legs out so that you're inpushup position.
Perform a pushup.
Pull your legs back in so that you're back into squat position.
From here, jump up towards the sky.
When your feet hit the ground, immediately drop back down into squat position.
Repeat as desired.
Pair this with a back movement for a full body workout.
Hamstrings Dumbbell 1-Arm Hanging Snatch - Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
With your back straight, chest out, and abs contracted, squat slightly, and hold a dumbbellbetween your legs.
Straighten your legs, and shrug as you bring the dumbbell towards your chin.
Keep the dumbbell close to your body.
Keep the dumbbell moving towards your chin, then past the chin and overhead.
Bring the dumbbell back to starting position and repeat as desired.
Pair this with a back and chest movement for a total body workout.
Calves Bodyweight Hindu Squat - The hindu squat is like a regular bodyweight squat, except for the fact that your heels are raised off the ground.
Maintain this posture, keeping your weight on the balls of your feet the whole time.
Choose your exercises wisely.
You only need a handful of movement for a great full body workout.
You can even create a full body workout using all the movement listed above.
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