Expression: Appeler sous les drapeaux
Pronunciation: [ah p(eu) lay soo lay drah po]
Meaning: to draft, conscript, call to arms
Literal translation: to call under the flags
Register: normal
Notes: The French expression appeler sous les drapeaux (along with its equivalent noun, l'appel sous les drapeaux) is a rather poetic way of talking about drafting people into military service. The English expression "to serve the flag" is similar, but refers to the actual time spent serving in the military (whether by choice or by draft), as opposed to the calling of people into service.
Jusqu'en 1997, tous les Français se sont vus appeler sous les drapeaux.
Until 1997,* all Frenchmen were conscripted, were obliged to serve in the military.
Post your comments about the French expression appeler sous les drapeaux on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.
*Until then, the system of universal military service required all young men to serve in the military, during times of both war and peace. If you're not afraid of legalese, you can read the full text of the law ending it here: Loi n°97-1019 du 28 octobre 1997 portant réforme du service national
Pronunciation: [ah p(eu) lay soo lay drah po]
Meaning: to draft, conscript, call to arms
Literal translation: to call under the flags
Register: normal
Notes: The French expression appeler sous les drapeaux (along with its equivalent noun, l'appel sous les drapeaux) is a rather poetic way of talking about drafting people into military service. The English expression "to serve the flag" is similar, but refers to the actual time spent serving in the military (whether by choice or by draft), as opposed to the calling of people into service.
Jusqu'en 1997, tous les Français se sont vus appeler sous les drapeaux.
Until 1997,* all Frenchmen were conscripted, were obliged to serve in the military.
Post your comments about the French expression appeler sous les drapeaux on my French blog - just hit "comments" at the bottom of the post.
*Until then, the system of universal military service required all young men to serve in the military, during times of both war and peace. If you're not afraid of legalese, you can read the full text of the law ending it here: Loi n°97-1019 du 28 octobre 1997 portant réforme du service national