Society & Culture & Entertainment Languages

Types of Gestures

    • Nonverbal communication is a huge part of the way we communicate with others and can carry as much meaning as our words do. The gestures we make can illustrate what we are thinking or feeling, can emphasize our points or display the nature of our relationships with other people. Gestures also have a cultural component, and we can't assume they mean the same thing to us as they do when we communicate with people from other cultures.


    • Emblems are a type of gesture we use to communicate the same sentiment as the corresponding words. For example, someone may say to someone else "good job" while making a thumbs-up symbol. When people use emblems, their nonverbal communication matches the words they are saying, which helps strengthen their message.


    • When people use regulators, they are trying to elicit some sort of behavior from someone else. This includes nodding your head when you want someone to continue speaking or putting your finger over your mouth to tell someone to be quiet.


    • People use illustrator gestures to enhance their verbal messages. An example of this is giving directions. When someone tells you to turn right, he may point his finger in that direction to show you the correct way to go.

    Affect Displays

    • Affect displays are gestures that are meant to express the emotions people are feeling. For example, when someone is embarrassed, she may put her hands over her face, and when she's upset, she may frown or cry.


    • When we use adapters, we are trying to accomplish some kind of goal or need. This kind of gesture comes in three forms: self-adapters, alter-adapters and object-adapters. Self-adapters are gestures that are self-touching movements, such as scratching an itch on our arm or removing something that got into our eyes. Alter-adapters are gestures directed toward someone else; an example of this would be fixing someone's tie or removing lint from his clothes. Object adapters are focused on objects, like poking holes into a soda can.

    The Importance of Palms

    • The way that we use the palms of our hands can tell others what we are thinking and feeling about a situation. Palms facing upward are associated with being open and receptive, while palms facing downward may indicate hostility or not feeling open toward the other person.

    Cultural Considerations

    • Culture can determine the way gestures are interpreted. For example, what is considered a victory or peace sign in the United States is like sticking your middle finger at someone when turned backward in Europe. In some cultures, hugs are given as a common greeting for loved ones and acquaintances alike, while in other cultures hugs are reserved for people you care deeply about.

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