Society & Culture & Entertainment Languages

The Color of the Wall

The Color of the Wall

I mentioned in my previous blog that generally the Japanese don't move as much as North Americans. There are many differences between a Japanese house and one in North America. One of them is the color of the walls. It is not common to have colorfully painted walls in Japan. They are usually white or something neutral. In North America, people often seem to paint their walls, sometime with very bright colors.

I like colored walls. When I first saw it, I was amazed how the atmosphere of a room can be changed quite a bit by color. I thought it would be fun to paint my rooms whatever I liked and have since lived in houses with colored walls. When I choose a color, it always takes a long time to pick one from the hundreds of choices. I get frustrated sometimes, but it is also fun process.

Japanese Translation



Romaji Translation

Izen no burogu de, nihonjin wa hokubei no hito tachi to kurabete amari hikkoshi o shinai to kakimashita. Nihon no ie to hokubei no ie to dewa, iroirona chigai ga arimasu. Sonouchi no hitotsu wa kabe no iro desu. Nihon no ie dewa kabe no iro ga nurareteiru no wa, ippanteki dewa arimasen.

Futsuu shiro ka, nanika chuukan tekina iro desu. Hokubei dewa, kabe no iro o nuru koto ga ooi youni omowaremasu shi, totemo azayakana iro mo tokidoki mikakemasu. Watashi wa iro o nutta kabe ga suki desu. Hajimete souitta kabe o mita toki, iro ni yotte zuibun heya no fun'iki ga kawaru mono da na to odoroita mono desu. Jubun no sukina iro ni heya o nureta ra tanoshii darou na to omoimashita. Sore irai, kabe no iro o nutta ie nimo ikutsuka sumimashita. Watashi wa nanbyaku shurui mo no iro kara hitotsu no iro o erabu noni, itsumo totemo jikan ga kakarimasu. Toki niwa hontouni nayande shimau koto mo arimasu ga, souitta katei wa tanoshimi demo arimasu.

Note: The translation is not always literal.

Beginner's Phrases

I was amazed how the atmosphere of a room can be changed quite a bit by color.
  • Iro ni yotte zuibun heya no fun'iki ga kawaru mono da na to odoroita mono desu.
  • ?????? ???? ???????? ???????? ??????????
  • ????????????????????????????????
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