- 1). PCut off the rounded ends of eight Popsicle sticks. Set aside.
- 2). Snip four of the Popsicle sticks down to 2 1/2 inches -- 4 1/2 inches for the remaining four -- with perpendicular cuts.
- 3). Affix one of the short Popsicle sticks to the top, or tapered ends of your large chopsticks, one-half inch from the top with a double-sided loop of tape. This will temporarily secure your sticks to attach the bottom pieces.
- 4). Affix one of the long Popsicle sticks to the bottom, or wider ends of your large chopsticks with a double-sided loop of tape, so it is flush with the bottom.
- 5). Mark lines where the Popsicle sticks overlap the chopsticks.
- 6). Remove the tape, then snip the Popsicle sticks along the angled lines.
- 7). Glue the Popsicle sticks to the chopsticks with hot glue. Allow the glue to fully cool and set. Be careful to avoid the hot metal end of the glue gun.
- 8). Measure down four inches from the bottom edge of the top Popsicle stick and mark a line with your pencil. Measure one-half inch, then mark a line. Continue until you have three four-inch segments of four inches and three half-inch segments. There will be a one-half-inch gap on the bottom and top of the frame.
- 9). Attach five Popsicle sticks to the half-inch gaps on the chopsticks with tape: one for the top and bottom, then three spaced throughout the middle.
- 10
Mark the places where the Popsicle sticks overlap the chopsticks with a pencil. - 11
Remove the tape, then make the angular cuts on the Popsicle sticks. - 12
Glue the Popsicle sticks in place. This completes one side of the oil rig frame. Do not assemble the remaining four sides, as you will use this side as a template for the x-shaped crossbeams. Allow the glue to fully set. - 1). Flip over the completed side of the oil rig frame.
- 2). Cross two Popsicle sticks in the topmost four-inch gap between the half-inch, horizontal supports. Resize the "X" until the top and bottom edges of the Popsicle ticks overlap the horizontal supports. Secure the middle of the "X" with a double-sided loop of tape.
- 3). Flip over the template and the Popsicle "X."
- 4). Mark areas of overlap -- including the middle portion of the "X," in addition to the template -- then snip the angled marks.
- 5). Glue the "X" together along the short edges of the Popsicle sticks. Allow the hot glue to set. Create three identical x-shaped crossbeams.
- 6). Repeat these steps with the remaining two four-inch segments. Create three identical x-shaped crossbeams for each additional segment. Set the additional x-shaped crossbeams aside.
- 7). Glue the middle and bottom x-shaped crossbeams to the template. You will now have one completed side of the oil rig and the remaining x-shaped crossbeams for the remaining three sides.
- 1). Repeat the steps from the "Structure" segment to create another side of the oil rig frame. This side will be positioned across from the side you used as your template.
- 2). Place the original template on a sheet of tracing paper. Outline the shape of the template.
- 3). Set your two, completed oil rig frames on edge, with the horizontal crossbeams facing out.
- 4). Set your two, completed oil rig frames on edge, with the horizontal crossbeams facing out.
- 5). Mark the edges of the frames with your pencil,one-half-inch from the top. Create markings for the half-inch and four-inch gaps, as you did in Step 8 of the "Structure" section.
- 6). Attach Popsicle sticks, horizontally, to the half-inch gaps you have marked with tape. Mark areas of overlap, remove the tape, then snip excess areas with scissors.
- 7). Glue the snipped Popsicle sticks along the edges of the frame. Glue the prepared, x-shaped crossbeams as well. Allow the glue to fully set.
- 8). Flip over the frame and repeat these instructions for the remaining side.
- 9). Paint the model oil rig with black tempera paint. Paint the inside and outside of your model oil rig on your scrap sheet of tracing paper. Paint the outside first. Allow the paint to dry. Flip the model on its head, so that the narrow end is the base, then paint the inside of the model. Allow the model to dry overnight.
- 10
Scuff the outside of the model with sandpaper, if you want to suggest age or wear to your model oil rig.