- Rain gauges can be simple or complex. The simplest ones -- plastic or metal tubes with calibrated markings to show how much rain they hold -- are used by amateur gardeners as well as by schoolchildren learning about the weather. More elaborate ones used by professional researchers measure rainfall by weight and have electronic sensors to track how much rain they have caught.
- Meteorologists -- scientists who study the climate and weather forecasting -- depend on rain gauges for information about climate trends. Data from rain gauge measurements can tell meteorologists which areas are prone to flooding or drought -- information that may also be useful for those involved in land-use policy and planning.
- Precipitation not only affects the earth's surface, but also bodies of water on and below ground. Hydrologists -- scientists who study the natural behavior of water -- rely on measurements from rain gauges to determine the effects of different amounts of rain on natural water flow and water quality.
- Just as rain affects land conditions, topological features of the land, such as mountains and valleys, can affect rainfall. Researchers in the earth sciences use measurements from rain gauges in different areas to determine how precipitation varies from one environment to another. This can lead to a better understanding of both the factors affecting rainfall and the effects of rainfall on different types of terrain.
Types of Rain Gauges and Their Scientific Uses
Geology and Earth Science