Health & Medical Lose Weight

Does Slimness Equal Happiness?

I was reading a book today called "Ask and Its Is Given" and came across a sentence that seemed to jump out at me, it said...
"your purpose in life is to experience joy.
" And it got me thinking, with so many of us looking to the start of 2010 as a new start and a chance to finally get back in shape, are we chasing after slimness or happiness? Because there's a big difference between the two.
You would assume (if you were overweight) that all slim people are blissfully happy and all overweight people are depressed and down.
But you and I know that this isn't so in real life.
Some of the slimmest people with the greatest figures that God could ever give can be the most unhappiest and some of the most overweight people are a joy to be around.
So, the question I'm asking today is...
"Are you linking your happiness to losing weight?" While you might have a picture in your mind of how you might when the scales are finally going in the right direction, what if you're still not happy? If the thought of joining a gym or cycling for hours are going know will make you unhappy don't do them.
Happiness is an inside job that no one else or weighing scale can bring to you but you! So, the tip I want you to take away from this post today is make a a list of all the things that make you happy in life, work on your happiness first and don't be reliant on that weight loss to make you happy.
If you're happier you'll be more of a joy to be around and don't be surprised if the weight loss seems to happen as a side effect.
Because if you're slim and unhappy what are the chances that you'll stay that way for long?
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