- 1). Lay your fabric on a flat surface with the wrong side up. Turn the bar stool upside down and set it on the fabric. Cut around the bar stool seat 2 1/2 inches from the seat.
- 2). Turn the fabric circle over with the right side up. Unfold one long edge of the bias binding and pin the right side down, matching to the edges of the circle. Sew the bias binding to the circle using a 1/4-inch seam allowance. Cut the binding where the two ends meet. You will need approximately 57 inches, but do not cut until after the bias binding has been attached.
- 3). Turn the fabric circle over with the wrong side up. Fold the bias binding over to the wrong side of the fabric and press the seam. Pin the other long side of the bias binding to the fabric circle with the binding fold underneath. Top stitch along the folded edge of the bias binding.
- 4). Cut a 48-inch length of cording. Attach one end of the cording to the safety pin or bodkin. Insert the cording where the bias binding ends meet, and thread the cording through the binding casing. Tie knots to the ends of the cording. Set the fabric stool cover aside.
- 5). Set the foam cushion on your work surface. Turn the stool upside down on the foam. Draw around the bar stool seat. Cut the foam cushion using the electric carving knife.
- 6). Place the foam circle on top of the batting. Cut the batting 2 inches larger than the foam cushion.
- 7). Place the foam cushion on the bar stool seat. Cover the foam with the batting. Place the stool cover over the seat padding and cinch the cording underneath the stool seat, gathering the circle. Tie the cording in a bow to secure it.