Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Natural Allergy Remedies: Quercetin, Butterbur and Neti Pots

Whether it's pollen or pet dander or a number of other pesky triggers, the result is often the same.
Your body is releasing histamines because your immune system believes it has identified an "intruder" and is fighting back.
Sneezing, runny nose, itching, swelling, wheezing and other various automatic uncomfortable responses are now giving you some serious grief.
You could take one of the many over-the counter medicines to help address your allergies, but some of those options may come with another side effect like drowsiness or other complication you'd also like to avoid.
You don't want to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire, as they say.
The answer in these cases? You may want to consider trying a natural allergy remedy.
Here are three such remedies that have a number of patients singing praises and proclaiming them effective.
Read on and see if you can find a remedy that could be a better option for your specific allergy challenge.
Neti Pot Many prominent medical experts have been known to encourage people to use a Neti Pot to help with allergies and a number of sinus ailments.
Using one might sound intimidating at first, but many people catch on easily after a few tries.
It works like this.
Buy a Neti Pot at your local health food store, drug store or online health outlet.
Follow the directions on the packaging.
These steps are often similar to adding ¼ teaspoon of sea salt to the pot and filling with warm - not hot or cold - water.
While standing over a bowl or large sink, tip your head sideways (left) while inserting the spout of the pot to your other (right) nostril.
Pour half the liquid into the nostril.
The solution will flush allergens like pollen out of your sinuses and run out of the other nostril into the sink.
Switch sides.
Butterbur Asthma, migraine and cough supplements sometimes announce their ingredients as featuring "butterbar" within their herbal recipe.
Those suffering from hay fever or allergic rhinitis, for example, may also want to know that a "sesquiterpene petasin" chemical in this perennial herb seems to act similarly to antihistamines - preventing inflammations and calming various allergic reactions.
A word of caution, butterbur supplements that contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids are sometimes not recommended due to concerns about liver damage.
A personal physician is the best source to help patients understand any potential risks.
Butterbur is classified as a ragweed plant so those who are specifically allergic to ragweed, daisy, marigold or chrysanthemum plants should avoid this remedy.
Extracts, teas and capsules are generally among the most common natural product options.
Quercetin Occurring naturally in select fruits and vegetables, quercetin is often classified as a bioflavonoid nutrient among dieticians.
Found in red wine, green tea, onions and broccoli - patients can also acquire Quercetin supplements to give them a daily boost of this antioxidant.
Some experts believe this nutrient helps a hyper immune system stabilize once it's been assaulted by viruses, toxins or certain bacteria.
People with kidney disease and those that are pregnant/breastfeeding, however, are generally among those who should NOT take quercetin supplements on account of kidney damage concerns.
As with all concerns regarding potential allergy remedies, it is best to consult a physician or other health care provider familiar with a patient's specific medications and health history before starting any new allergy therapies.
Dosage recommendations can vary greatly for patients and certain herbs can cause dangerous side effects when combined with other prescribed medicines.
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