Online dating and social networking sites appear to be behind recent changes in the dating dynamic.
Because it's more socially acceptable for women to make the first move and initiate contact in the online world, it appears men are starting to expect the same behavior from women in the real world.
Though I do encourage women to go after what they want in dating and relationships, I've been hearing about a disturbing trend lately.
I've had several women tell me about recent encounters they've had where everything seemed to be going fine, and the men seemed genuinely interested in them.
But after a nice initial conversation, instead of asking for the woman's phone number or email, the guy took out a business card and told the woman to give him a call if she wanted to get together.
So as a woman, what do you do with that? What every one of these disappointed women did was toss the card and write the guy off.
Now as I said, I am a strong proponent of empowering women to take the initiative and be proactive in going after the guys they want.
Based on this, you may think that I would tell these women to suck it up make the call.
But in this particular situation, I still believe it's the guy's responsibility to man-up and be the one to call first.
What I told each of these women to do is, the next time this happens, take his card, write your phone number on it and hand it back to him.
Then tell him to give you a call on a specific day and time (e.
: the following Monday after 6pm) If he agrees, then tell him you'll be looking forward to hearing from him.
If he calls at the agreed upon time, or even calls before that, then great.
If not, then move on.
Because unless the guy had some kind of emergency situation, either he wasn't that interested, he's playing games with you, he's unreliable, he lacks the self-confidence to pursue you, or any of a thousand other reasons, none of which probably have anything to do with you.
If he calls later that week, or even days or weeks after that, you can make your own decision about whether to give the guy another chance.
But in the mean time, get on with your dating life and don't look back.
There are 3 billion guys on the planet.
Get busy meeting them.
Good Luck and let me hear from you.
David C
Because it's more socially acceptable for women to make the first move and initiate contact in the online world, it appears men are starting to expect the same behavior from women in the real world.
Though I do encourage women to go after what they want in dating and relationships, I've been hearing about a disturbing trend lately.
I've had several women tell me about recent encounters they've had where everything seemed to be going fine, and the men seemed genuinely interested in them.
But after a nice initial conversation, instead of asking for the woman's phone number or email, the guy took out a business card and told the woman to give him a call if she wanted to get together.
So as a woman, what do you do with that? What every one of these disappointed women did was toss the card and write the guy off.
Now as I said, I am a strong proponent of empowering women to take the initiative and be proactive in going after the guys they want.
Based on this, you may think that I would tell these women to suck it up make the call.
But in this particular situation, I still believe it's the guy's responsibility to man-up and be the one to call first.
What I told each of these women to do is, the next time this happens, take his card, write your phone number on it and hand it back to him.
Then tell him to give you a call on a specific day and time (e.
: the following Monday after 6pm) If he agrees, then tell him you'll be looking forward to hearing from him.
If he calls at the agreed upon time, or even calls before that, then great.
If not, then move on.
Because unless the guy had some kind of emergency situation, either he wasn't that interested, he's playing games with you, he's unreliable, he lacks the self-confidence to pursue you, or any of a thousand other reasons, none of which probably have anything to do with you.
If he calls later that week, or even days or weeks after that, you can make your own decision about whether to give the guy another chance.
But in the mean time, get on with your dating life and don't look back.
There are 3 billion guys on the planet.
Get busy meeting them.
Good Luck and let me hear from you.
David C