Health & Medical Lose Weight

Eat Food and Lose Weight?Can Fat Loss 4 Idiots Show You How?

There are many diets on the market today and Fat Loss 4 Idiots is one of those.
One of the ways this diet is unique is that it claims you can eat food and even eat more than three times per day and still lose weight.
For many people, this sounds like an outrageous claim but can such a thing actually work? Scientific research shows that in order to lose weight it is necessary to eat.
How can eating help you lose weight? The body is incredibly efficient and reacts to the quantity of food and type of food eaten.
It also reacts to the frequency that meals are eaten.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots claims you should eat all types of food, including fat, sugar and carbohydrates.
It also states you should eat more than three times per day.
While this runs contrary to most diets, nutritionists agree that this is actually the best way to diet.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots outlines an easy to follow meal plan that adheres to this belief.
When the body is deprived of certain foods it does not run efficiently.
It does not have the energy needed and you will feel sluggish and run down.
Also, the body will go into starvation mode and start to store fat instead of burn it.
This is the complete opposite of what you want to accomplish.
However, if you eat several meals per day, in the correct quantities and using various food types, your body's metabolism will work to burn the fat as it is intended to do.
The trick is to eat smaller portions, several times per day.
You should also change the types of food eaten each meal.
This confuses the metabolism and kicks it into accelerated mode.
You can lose weight without depriving yourself of food and without having to partake in rigorous exercise programs.
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