- 1). Turn the compressor on and adjust the air pressure at the hose to 90psi. This pressure will supply the appropriate pressure to the gun, which also has a pressure regulator. Adjust the pressure regulator at the base of the gun handle to the recommended pressure found in the manufacturer's manual. A good starting point is 50psi and then you can tweak the pressure based on your painting results.
- 2). Connect the hose to the gun and then pull the trigger until the pressure at the base of the gun stops fluctuating. Fill the paint canister with paint, using the paint thinner to thin the paint according to the spray gun manufacturer's chart found in the gun packaging. Attach the canister to the paint gun and then spray a swathe on a test surface. Use the fan adjustment knob on the rear of the gun to fine tune the spray to meet your needs (i.e., if you are getting runs, adjust the fan speed faster to achieve higher paint atomization or turn the speed lower to achieve a thicker initial coat).
- 3). Adjust the fluid control knob to handle the increased or decreased fan speed. You want the amount of paint to provide a solid mist of paint droplets, but not so much volume that the paint begins to run. Sweep the gun back and forth 6 to 8 inches from the object you are painting. Always keep the gun perpendicular to the paint surface and sweep at a medium pace.