Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Abs Exercises - The Correct Way To a Flat Tummy

The current fad seems to be a concentration on building abdominal muscles in order to have that thin look that is so coveted today.
There are some very strenuous exercises that go along with getting that six pack abs look whether you are a man or a woman.
The first and most important is the warm up which is important in order to give your metabolism a jumpstart and ready for what is to come.
The first actual exercise is the basic crunch.
Lay on the floor with your hands on your thighs and you knees bent.
Your feet and your thighs should be pressed against the floor.
Now lift your body toward your knees tightening the stomach muscles as you do this.
Then lower you body back to the original position and start again.
For a good workout do this twenty times.
The next exercise toward building Abs is the reverse crunch.
While lying on the floor with your hands pressed to the floor, raise your legs until they are level with the floor.
With shoulders to the floor lift your buttocks up off the floor about and inch or two concentrating on the Ab area.
Lower yourself gradually and repeat this exercise fifteen times.
Another exercise is called the cross.
Lying on your back with your knees bent; place your hands behind your head with your thumbs behind each ear.
This is done to support the head during the exercise.
With your shoulders to the floor twist your body until your left shoulder is pointing toward your right knee.
Lower yourself to your original position and repeat this exercise fifteen times.
An alternative exercise to the cross is the same as the cross except before you twist you crunch then twist to the right and the left and crunch again.
You do not lower yourself you just repeat this exercise ten times.
When doing abdominal exercises proper nutrition is primary.
In order to eat right your food must contain fiber, water, carbohydrates.
proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
With a healthy diet consisting of all of the necessary nutrients your exercises should go smoothly and you will successfully reach your goal.
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