The big question is whether or not relationship sites, for which there are many, offer credible advice for those new in relationships as well as those more experienced. The objective of most sites is to aid those who are in a breakup status or who are about to be. Some offer advice to those who simply wish to improve their currently pleasant, but not great relationship.
The information provided can help if correctly applied. Some sites are better than others, depending on the knowledge of the person running the site. In some cases, you are asked to buy an item after reading a poorly written article which is for the most part junk.
There are sites which show how to cheat and get away with it, how to trick your partner, and sites with questions to answer. These sites should be avoided like the plague or viewed only for humor.
On the upside, sites which offer good advice can save a relationship. You will see message boards and forums with people expressing their opinions and views on their individual situations in their relationships. There are conference calls scheduled at specific times so that anyone who gains access to the particular site can participate. Just listening to a group of people telling their point of view regarding a concern they hold is beneficial to anyone, if only to learn of another person's unique experience.
Other sites contain question and answer pages and advice columns. This is where you are able to read about other people's situations. These sites can be amateurish though helpful. You must decide for yourself. Beware of sites guaranteeing that your union can definitely be salvaged. The promise cannot be honestly made without knowing the individual's situation.
The most that a relationship site can do is give you the tools to try to make it work. It takes two to make a relationship and screw it up and it takes two to fix it. Both need to be ready, willing, and able to work hard at resolving the problems that made a once fulfilling relationship a truly major thorn in the side. The sites can only advise you as to the best coarse in general, to pursue.
If your relationship is in trouble or you would like to improve certain aspects of it, "The Magic of Making Up" is a must read. It is an easy to follow formula of solving problems in personal relationships. Its author, T.W. Jackson, has received heartfelt gratitude from his many readers worldwide for his assessment of problems and his effective solutions, thus saving many relationships which otherwise might have been forever doomed.
To read "The Magic of Making Up" in its entirety, just click to:
The information provided can help if correctly applied. Some sites are better than others, depending on the knowledge of the person running the site. In some cases, you are asked to buy an item after reading a poorly written article which is for the most part junk.
There are sites which show how to cheat and get away with it, how to trick your partner, and sites with questions to answer. These sites should be avoided like the plague or viewed only for humor.
On the upside, sites which offer good advice can save a relationship. You will see message boards and forums with people expressing their opinions and views on their individual situations in their relationships. There are conference calls scheduled at specific times so that anyone who gains access to the particular site can participate. Just listening to a group of people telling their point of view regarding a concern they hold is beneficial to anyone, if only to learn of another person's unique experience.
Other sites contain question and answer pages and advice columns. This is where you are able to read about other people's situations. These sites can be amateurish though helpful. You must decide for yourself. Beware of sites guaranteeing that your union can definitely be salvaged. The promise cannot be honestly made without knowing the individual's situation.
The most that a relationship site can do is give you the tools to try to make it work. It takes two to make a relationship and screw it up and it takes two to fix it. Both need to be ready, willing, and able to work hard at resolving the problems that made a once fulfilling relationship a truly major thorn in the side. The sites can only advise you as to the best coarse in general, to pursue.
If your relationship is in trouble or you would like to improve certain aspects of it, "The Magic of Making Up" is a must read. It is an easy to follow formula of solving problems in personal relationships. Its author, T.W. Jackson, has received heartfelt gratitude from his many readers worldwide for his assessment of problems and his effective solutions, thus saving many relationships which otherwise might have been forever doomed.
To read "The Magic of Making Up" in its entirety, just click to: