- 1). Open the hood for access to the engine compartment. Locate the fuse panel on the driver side. The panel will be sitting behind the battery. Open the panel and pull the fuel pump relay out by hand.
- 2). Start the truck and allow it to idle until it stalls out. This will depressurize the fuel system.
- 3). Crawl under the truck and locate the fuel filter. The filter is located along the fuel lines next to the transmission.
- 4). Remove the fuel lines from the filter with the quick-disconnect tool. Place the tool along the end of the fuel line at the connector and push the line toward the filter. This will release the fuel line. Remove both fuel lines with the tool.
- 5). Unbolt the filter from the mounting bracket with a socket wrench. Slide the filter out from under the truck.
- 6). Slide the new filter to the mounting bracket. Tighten the bracket to secure the filter. The arrow on the filter needs to be pointing toward the front of the truck, as it designates the direction of fuel flow.
- 7). Push the inlet and outlet lines onto the filter. Push on until they lock in place.
- 8). Reinstall the relay back onto the fuse panel. This will power the fuel pump.
- 9). Start the truck by turning the ignition to the "start" position. The fuel pump will prime the fuel lines. Attempt to start the truck. If the truck does not start right away, keep trying. The fuel pump will push the air out of the fuel lines and the truck will start.
- 10
Observe the fuel filter and watch for any leaks.