- 1). Visit the website that you want to send as a link on Twitter. Move your mouse up to the address bar and double-click on the URL to highlight it. Right-click on the address bar and select "Copy."
- 2). Browse to the URL shortening service of your choice. Twitter recommends either bit.ly or tinyurl, but there are other services you can use as well, such as tiny.cc and shorturl (see Resources).
- 3). Paste the copied URL into the "Convert" box for the service. Click "Convert" or "Go" to shorten the URL. After a few seconds of processing, you'll see the shortened URL, which is ready to send on Twitter. Highlight and copy the shortened URL.
- 4). Navigate to the Twitter website and log into your account. Click on the "Tweet" box at the top of your page and compose your message. Include "@[insert-username]" if you want to direct the URL to a particular user.
- 5). Paste the shortened URL into the "Tweet" box. Be sure that the total message, including the shortened URL, is less than 140 characters. View the counter next to the "Tweet" box. If it's over 140 characters, shorten your message to make it work. Click "Tweet" to send your link on Twitter.