Business & Finance Blogging

Blogging - Yes, Your Blog Can Be Successful

Do you want more traffic to your blog? Building a readership can be a real challenge for many new bloggers.
However it's quite simple.
You need to give your readers what they want: when you do, they will become loyal subscribers.
Here's how to make your blog a success.
Who's Your Audience? Do They Need Your Information? Start by thinking about your audience.
Describe your typical reader in five sentences.
Tip: imagine just one reader, because it's both confusing and intimidating to think of an audience of thousands of people.
When you think about just one person, and direct your information to that person, your blogging will be warm and personal.
Because you're comfortable, your readers will be more comfortable too.
Now think about what your reader wants, and needs.
For example, if you have a weight loss blog and you've decided that your reader is an obese woman in her 30s, with a young family, and a full-time job, make a list of what she needs.
She may need healthy recipes she can cook in 20 minutes or less, information on nutrition, and tips on fighting cravings.
When you think in terms of your reader and the circumstances of his or her life, creating content for your blog is much easier and simpler -- and you'll never run out of content.
Are You Real? Your Blogging Needs a Personal Touch If you've been using blog automation tools, stop that right now.
Your blog should be carefully crafted.
Anyone who tells you you can get readers with an automated blog is lying to you.
You can only be successful if you put yourself into your blog.
Therefore, if you don't already have an About page, create one right now.
Tell your reader your story, and connect with him (or her).
Promote Your Blog Where Your Audience Hangs Out You need to promote your blog, but don't start promoting it until you have sufficient content on the blog.
This will usually be when you have at least 10 to 20 great posts which are worth reading.
Remember that when you promote, first impressions count.
You want readers to reach your blog, and subscribe to your RSS feed because the information is excellent.
In a nutshell, your blog will be as successful as you want it to be: put your heart into it.
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