If are looking for ways for fast weight loss and have decided to lose weight permanently, you probably know that establishing an exercise plan is crucial.
However, just any exercise plan may not work.
In fact, a lot of people jog away 2-3 hours every week, but don't find themselves making any tangible progress with their weight loss goals.
What they are not doing is anaerobic exercise.
Did I hear a 'what's that?' Yes, it is not a term you commonly hear, but according to several different researches, people who incorporate anaerobic exercises into their exercise schedule, have a far better chance of achieving their weight loss goals.
What Is An Anaerobic Exercise Anaerobic exercise is an exercise where the body's muscles are supplied with a negligible level of oxygen during a workout.
Doing squats or other forms of muscle training with medium or heavy weights, sprinting and cycling or swimming at very fast speeds are all examples of anaerobic exercises.
You can only sustain such an effort for a couple of minutes or less.
On the other hand, longer jogs and steady tempo spells on the bike or in the pool, which can be sustained for several minutes and even an hour or more are all examples of aerobic exercises.
In these, the muscles are supplied with a sufficient amount of air or oxygen during the workout.
Why Anaerobic Helps You Lose Weight Fast Aerobic exercise burns a lot of calories from carbohydrates, and then fats when the body's carb supply runs out, but the body then demands instant replenishment after the workout.
If you replace all those calories burnt, you just wasted all your effort, and you will only stagnate in your weight loss goals.
However, with anaerobic exercises, where your muscles have felt the strain for spells of a few seconds each, your body will immediately get down to repairing the muscles and making them grow.
For this, your body needs and uses up a lot of calories, after your workout is over.
So, when you are resting at night, fast asleep, your body is actually burning calories to repair and strengthen your muscles! No wonder people who do anaerobic exercises usually do lose weight permanently.
Ask any expert, no aerobic exercise will help you burn all those calories even while you are at rest.
However, that's not the only reason why anaerobic needs to be an essential component of your weight loss goals.
Once your muscles are strong and developed, like they will be when you consistently do anaerobic exercises, your base metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn calories in a normal day without additional exercise) will shoot up.
This is because muscles use up a lot of calories to survive.
So, the stronger your muscles, the more calories you end up burning, even on a regular day! Anaerobic Is For Everyone The best part is that you don't need to pump 100 kg of iron, or dash 200 meter sprints to get anaerobic.
Even muscle strengthening workouts with moderate weights counts as anaerobic exercise.
If you do 2-3 sets of a particular exercise as part of a circuit, with 10-12 reps in each set, that is excellent progress! And ladies out there, don't fear that your muscles will bulge out, if you do strengthening exercises.
Your body simply does not produce enough testosterone for that.
Rather, what you will achieve is more toned and shapely muscles and faster weight loss.
At the end of the day, no matter who you may be, if you want fast weight loss results and to lose weight permanently, nothing will help you do it as successfully as anaerobic exercises.
You are free to publish this article without any change in the content electronically, in print, in your e-book, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author resource details are included.
However, just any exercise plan may not work.
In fact, a lot of people jog away 2-3 hours every week, but don't find themselves making any tangible progress with their weight loss goals.
What they are not doing is anaerobic exercise.
Did I hear a 'what's that?' Yes, it is not a term you commonly hear, but according to several different researches, people who incorporate anaerobic exercises into their exercise schedule, have a far better chance of achieving their weight loss goals.
What Is An Anaerobic Exercise Anaerobic exercise is an exercise where the body's muscles are supplied with a negligible level of oxygen during a workout.
Doing squats or other forms of muscle training with medium or heavy weights, sprinting and cycling or swimming at very fast speeds are all examples of anaerobic exercises.
You can only sustain such an effort for a couple of minutes or less.
On the other hand, longer jogs and steady tempo spells on the bike or in the pool, which can be sustained for several minutes and even an hour or more are all examples of aerobic exercises.
In these, the muscles are supplied with a sufficient amount of air or oxygen during the workout.
Why Anaerobic Helps You Lose Weight Fast Aerobic exercise burns a lot of calories from carbohydrates, and then fats when the body's carb supply runs out, but the body then demands instant replenishment after the workout.
If you replace all those calories burnt, you just wasted all your effort, and you will only stagnate in your weight loss goals.
However, with anaerobic exercises, where your muscles have felt the strain for spells of a few seconds each, your body will immediately get down to repairing the muscles and making them grow.
For this, your body needs and uses up a lot of calories, after your workout is over.
So, when you are resting at night, fast asleep, your body is actually burning calories to repair and strengthen your muscles! No wonder people who do anaerobic exercises usually do lose weight permanently.
Ask any expert, no aerobic exercise will help you burn all those calories even while you are at rest.
However, that's not the only reason why anaerobic needs to be an essential component of your weight loss goals.
Once your muscles are strong and developed, like they will be when you consistently do anaerobic exercises, your base metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn calories in a normal day without additional exercise) will shoot up.
This is because muscles use up a lot of calories to survive.
So, the stronger your muscles, the more calories you end up burning, even on a regular day! Anaerobic Is For Everyone The best part is that you don't need to pump 100 kg of iron, or dash 200 meter sprints to get anaerobic.
Even muscle strengthening workouts with moderate weights counts as anaerobic exercise.
If you do 2-3 sets of a particular exercise as part of a circuit, with 10-12 reps in each set, that is excellent progress! And ladies out there, don't fear that your muscles will bulge out, if you do strengthening exercises.
Your body simply does not produce enough testosterone for that.
Rather, what you will achieve is more toned and shapely muscles and faster weight loss.
At the end of the day, no matter who you may be, if you want fast weight loss results and to lose weight permanently, nothing will help you do it as successfully as anaerobic exercises.
You are free to publish this article without any change in the content electronically, in print, in your e-book, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author resource details are included.