- 1). Open Microsoft Outlook 2007 on your computer. Click "Tools" on the program menu and then click "Account Settings."
- 2). Click "New" and then select the "Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP" button. Click the check-box to select "Manually Configure Server Settings." Click "Next."
- 3). Click "Internet Email" and then click "Next."
- 4). Type your name and full Yahoo! email address into the appropriate dialog boxes.
- 5). Enter "pop.mail.yahoo.com" into the "Incoming Mail Server" dialog box. Enter "smtp.mail.yahoo.com" into the "Outgoing Mail Server" dialog box.
- 6). Type your Yahoo! Mail user name and password into the relevant dialog boxes.
- 7). Click "More Settings" and then "Outgoing Server." Click the check-box to select "My Outgoing Server requires SMTP Authentication."
- 8). Click "OK" followed by "Next" and then "Finish."